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Hey oloni, I’ve noticed there is a reoccurring pattern with me and guys, we start talking for a few weeks they seem really interested and make an effort to pursue me, tell me they want to meet up with me then all of a sudden they just get really cold and distant with me and eventually stop talking to me all together. I don’t understand why tbh, this has been happening to me for probably the last 7 months or so. I don’t know is there something wrong with me? It just upsets me because I’m a person with a lot of love to give and I feel like I’m never given the chance and it just doesn’t make me feel great about the person I am
4. February 2016
Hey lovely,
This is common, it happens to a lot of girls. You just need to ride the wave, maybe asking some of these guys what went wrong (if you’re friends) also switching up the type of guys you go for if you have a type. Or asking guys about their intentions way earlier than you usually do so you don’t feel as though you’ve invested much and you don’t feel as though you’ve wasted time and energy. Other than that just got to believe in your slay, eventually the right person for you will come your way.
So basically I’m from the uk and my boyfriend lived in a different county to me . Fast forward we been talkn for a couple months. And the thing is I gave him my time of the day because he tried to understand me took the time out to know me and break every wall down that I had preventing me from loving again. Anyway we shared a lot of stuff n there was a connection. We basically set 2016 as our year to develop and build our relationship n be a family move in and all that. So fast forward he been going thru some financial shit so I told him he can stay with me n if help with the train ticket for him to come down. He say kool I’ll text u when I’m at the station. At 7 pm. Do u think he texted? No. To day is about day 5 of the suspense he blocked me on what’s app. I called this bastard from every phone I could get my hands on. He unblocked me on what’s app and said. What are u callin me I have kids around me be patient. looooool wtf. Be patient??? Where was the decency to tell me where u were the day u were suppose to be in my city ???? He told me on here but I’m at my aunts house helping with her kids. ? wow. what the hell is this. After that he let me to know I have a daughter I haven’t seen in 2 years n she’s with me but I was not going to tell you. Huhhhhhh ??????? How was I even in his future????? I’m baffled y’all Men ain’t shit
4. February 2016
Hey lovely,
I hope your aim is to leave this crap situation because that’s what you need to do. He’s a liar and he has zero respect. He’s even a questionable father. All red flags. Leave and heal. Unfortunately in this life you’ll come across good and bad men in no specific order, so don’t give up on men completely but take a break and eventually you’ll be able to love again.
Hi Oloni, I’m 19 and recently just broke up with my gf of 6 months, I met her at a club so I assumed we were on the same wavelength socially etc. I just finished 1st yr of uni and she told me she just finished retaking yr 13 so we’re the same age. However, 1 day we got on the bus to go out, usually I take her out in my car but we were going Oxford Street so we decided public transport is better. So we get on the bus and I clock her oyster card made the beep beep noise that child oysters make. I asked her wtf and she said it’s her little sisters oyster. I asked her to show me the pic but she didn’t. Luckily tho, when we were in one of the shops she left her bag with me to change in the changing room. I opened her purse, looked at the oyster card and saw an 11-15 oyster card with her name and face. I was fuming. What pissed me off even more was that in that bag was also a planner and on it was the her name and the name of a secondary school. I blew up on her about it when she came out of the changing room and we went our separate ways from the store. Ain’t spoke to her since. Confided in a female friend of mine and she said I committed statutory rape even tho the girl lied about her age and it was consensual. I’m baffled wtf do I do? Should I feel guilty? The girl already has a new bf Who is 17 so I think she’s moved on
4. February 2016
Wow. I’m so sorry to hear about this, it’s very frustrating when someone you’re committed to lies about themselves, especially their age. I’m not 100% sure if it is statutory rape, because the fact remains you had no idea that she was below the age of consent. It’s good that you broke things off with her immediately but I would advise that you try to seek some professional legal advice in case this goes further. I’m sure with proof such as meeting her in a club shows that she lied about part of her identity.. as clubs in the UK require you to be 18 to enter.
Been with my boyfriend 1yr. He arranges for me to stay over, then goes out with his mates leaving me at his house. Says he won’t be gone long, then comes back at 4/5am. I’ve spent the whole night alone . Few months ago he disappeared 1 night, I went through his phone next day & he’d been sexting another woman. Promised me he never went to see her. I gave him benefit of my doubt but worry I was wrong to do that. He’s very flirty with other women & has had inappropriate chats with other women which hurts me. Am I a fool to let these things slide?
4. February 2016
Hi oloni, I’ve been with my man for sometime now, the sex is okay but he always climaxes before me and I don’t get to enjoy. Also, I don’t think I can cum or orgasm as it becomes boring after a while and I end up faking it in order for it to end. Is this something wrong with me or am I just not getting good sex, if so I’d have to leave him surely? Please advice
4. February 2016
You’re like 75% of women. So don’t panic! It’s very common for women not to climax through penetration alone. Majority of us cum through toys, a bit of finger action around the clit or oral stimulation. You need to try and introduce something new inside the bedroom. Longer foreplay, perhaps a bullet sex toy. Figure it out with him and make him aware of how you feel between the sheets, it’s no good you faking it to appease his ego. Nu-uh girl. Speak up!
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