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Hi oloni, I’ve have recently reconnected with an old ex of maybe 3-4 years. We both knew what we wanted when we started sleeping with each other. But now I didn’t always want it to seem like everytime we were alone we would sleep together, sometimes we just chill out. But he’s been hanging out with this other female and rumours are that they are also sleeping with eachother. I don’t think I have any feelings for him but I’m pretty butt hurt. My initial instinct is to cut him off, but he’s also my friend too. I really don’t know what to do 6. February 2016


I can understand why you’d be offended. All you can do in this situation is communicate your feelings for the sake of your friendship and if you’re not on the same page, kindly exit the situation and work on your friendship instead. Ask him straight up whether or not he is sleeping with other people, this girl in particular and emphasise if he wants you to continue to have a friendship he’s gonna have to be truthful even if it’s something you may not like to hear and if you find out he’s lying then you can’t continue with your friendship. That’s all you need to do, never be afraid to ask, guys do it all the time.



Been with my boyfriend for almost 2 years. He has recently brought up the subject of adding another person to our intimate moments ? 6. February 2016


The fact that you’re writing in makes it seem that this is not something that you want or are comfortable with. So I say let that be known and DO NOT under any circumstance pretend that you are fine with it. What you need to do is tell him your standpoint and ask him to tell you honestly his reasons for wanting to have a threesome and what happens now that you do not want one? See what he says because it may be  just a passing thought or it may be indicative of something deeper than he wants fulfilled, like he may feel like you both need to spice things up. So ask him what his genuine issues are. Also put things into perspective by letting him know that he wouldn’t appreciate it if you suggested a threesome with another man. Hope this helps.


I’m a 25 year old virgin should i lie about it because every time I tell a guy he’s not interested sucks because i really want to have sex 6. February 2016

Hey lovely,

Witholding that information isn’t lying unless you’re asked, but at the same time it’s not a must that whoever you’re seeing needs to know. But here’s the thing, don’t withhold the information just to keep a guy, that kind of guy isn’t the guy for you, that doesn’t mean he is bad, it just means you’re not compatible. You deserve to be yourself and still be accepted for who you are. So yes keep it to yourself if you want, but make sure your intentions for doing so are more for you than the other person, because that same person can sleep with you and then question why you don’t seem to be as experienced when having sex, what then? Also don’t be in a rush to have sex, make sure you’re not rushing into it for the wrong reasons.




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I wa seeing this guy, amazing guy. Everything I wanted he provided and every time I need him he was there but I allowed my bad attitude to come in the way and now we’re not on talking terms. I really want fix things but I don’t know what to do. I’ve tried talking but things haven’t resolved themselves 6. February 2016


All you can do is send him a genuine apology and wait for him to come to the realisation that you’re genuinely sorry. If he doesn’t, which he has every right to do, you’re gonna have to take this one on the chin and take this as a lesson for the future. It happens, just do better next time. Hope this helps x



Hi Oloni, I met this guy of plenty of fish and we got talking. When we met up I felt the vibe was great but after that we didn’t speak. Then a month later he invited me round his and we ended up sleeping with each other. The sex was okay but I was holding back as I wasn’t ready. Anyway after that our communication has gone downhill and a year on i still have feelings for him. I’ve tried to message him and say can we meet up but I get nothing in response. Also the night we slept together the told me he was ill. I really don’t know what to do. Shall I move on or keep trying? My best friend told me I should. 6. February 2016

Hey lovely,

Quite simply, you need to leave this situation alone. There are no two ways about this one. He is not that into you. He has no respect for you or your time. He basically had sex with you and ignored you. He only wanted sex from what it seems. This isn’t the first time he has ignored you. I feel like at the root of this are some insecurities you have that have gone unaddressed that you need to take time out to figure out. If you need help with doing that, write in again about the insecurities you feel you have and we can go through ways of addressing them, if you don’t feel like doing so, maybe seek counselling/advice from a friend.  Hope this helps. You will be fine, trust me.


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