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Hi, basically when the guys I’m talking to want to meet up they always suggesting their house. I find this a bit annoying because there are so many places to actually meet up but they never even bring that up, it’s always “come to my house and chill” I know very well In my mind when I don’t want to have sex with a guy but going to he’s house is setting myself up for it. So how do I make it clear that I ll rather go out for lunch, dinner etc than going to he’s house because I find it difficult to explain. P.s this is when meeting someone I’m familiar with for the first time properly. x 8. February 2016

Hey girl,

You’re just gonna have to be like, “Hey I know we’re cool but I don’t think meeting you at yours is appropriate considering this is the first time, so if you don’t mind I’d rather somewhere public”. There are probably like four ways a guy can respond to this, “…” so he completely airs you (you’ve got your answer count your lucky stars), “that’s cool, where do you want to go then?” <<< (this guy is marriage material), “it’s not that deep” (this type of guy is a catfish and probably has the maddest hairline in real life, either that or he azonto battles his housemates in a circle at bait raves) or “well I was gonna cook for you, that’s why I invited you round” (80% of the time this is a trap, stay woke babes). All jokes aside, if you don’t like something, you need to speak, most times, come round and chill is the easiest most cost-effective option especially at university, but if that’s not what you want just say.


Hey Oloni and Ebi. Oloni, congratulations on your success with the award! Ebi you’re doing a great job with the dilemmas btw! Sooooo here’s my dilemma…get a cup of tea ladies. I met this guy a few weeks ago and our first two weeks getting to know each other were absolutely magical as they were full on, emotionally intimate and we created a great bond. We both felt like we had known each other for years as we were so free and open with each other. After a while, his work got quite demanding and I am aware that what he does for living is extremely tasking and his hours are all over the place. He doesn’t claim it’s tasking – I know for a fact that it is because I have friends who do the same role. As a result of work being highly demanding, communication decreased and this had me feeling quite neglected. I know we haven’t known each other very long but it has me feeling quite down. I know he still cares because he will message me every couple of days. Do you have any suggestions on what I should do going forward? I think it’s too early to ask “Where is this going?” but I really don’t know what to do. Please help me ladies xx 8. February 2016

Aww hey there, thanks so much for your kind words, it means a lot and Oloni will see this too :),  okay, I’m actually going to get a cup of tea….got it now, so let’s go haha. Here’s what I think, I think you need to talk to him about it. Yes I know there are rules and blah blah blah but I’m a huge believer in connections and vibes, when you connect with someone and you’re sure that connection is felt on his side too, I’m all about ripping out some of the pages in that rule book and just communicating. I think sometimes we stick so much to rules that we sacrifice our emotional health. Yes the usual way of doing things is waiting till month two or three to ask questions, but I always think there are certain things that can be communicated much earlier but in a talking-stage friendly way. By that I mean if you think “what are we?” after week 2 will make him run then maybe say something like, “I’ve noticed that we don’t talk as often as we used to, so let me know what’s going on so I know everything is okay”…if you want it to be a bit more light hearted you can throw in a bit of humour and just say, “Look, I’m not trying to marry you already, a girl just needs to know that she’s not about to perish in the land of uncertainty”. I just think we know ourselves and if you know for a fact that you’re the type of girl to obsess over something that isn’t going right and that that thing will impact your mood in one way or another, then of what use is that rule to you, when you’re basically suffering in silence. I also think if open communication makes a man run away at any stage then he’s simply not the one for you, it doesn’t mean he’s a bad guy it just means that’s not the kind of guy you need right now. So as long as you know you’re asking a question with your emotional and mental well-being in mind then no matter the response you get you should be happy and content with your decision to ask. Eventually you’ll get to a space where you don’t feel neglected, if you don’t communicate as often but until you get to that space (which is often after trust is built and some sort of strong foundation is set) then ask the necessary questions whilst keeping approach in mind. That’s you putting yourself first and nipping all the things that have the potential to consistently affect your mood in the bud asap. I’m sure I even read somewhere that that’s the key to looking like a 12 year old at 50. Hope this helps.



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Hey oloni, I don’t even know were to start. Basically my boyfriend broke up with me his reasons was because of uni and that he don’t have time for his friends, while we was in a relationship I saw him texting this particular girl and so I inboxed the girl she now asked for my number and we spoke on the phone he lied about so many things and made me look like an idiot, I did everything for this guy cook, clean, sex the whole load, and he was telling the girl That everything is stressing him but her, he said to her that I’m clingy not know that he has been the one asking me for money making me come to his after class he would make me leave my own house to stay at his house for 3 days etc he he also said the same thing about his ex to me about the clingy stuff because at one point they was still talking and I said they can’t be talking in that way. he even broke my phone bought his self the phone I wanted and said I should use his old phone and I should wait till he gets me a new one, and I found out I’m 5 weeks pregnant. what should I do? 8. February 2016

Hey lovely,

Sending over some cyber hugs xxx. This is just a season and it will pass. Now from what you’ve said, the honest truth is that you were in a relationship with a compulsive liar who is not only extremely insecure but also doesn’t strike me as someone that likes to take accountability for his actions, which is why he always presents any girl he gets with as the bad one, the clingy one etc. which in turn means no one ever gets to see the role he plays in these situations and he is always presented in the best light. Given this background, he definitely isn’t someone you can rely on to be sensible in any way, shape or form, so as painful as it might be you’re going to have to make your decision assuming that he will forever remain the idiot that he is.  Now this is where YOU need to do what’s best for you. Does he need to know you’re pregnant? Yes. But what you need to do first is surround yourself with a support system that will stick by you throughout this whole process. So that means inform your family regardless of your decision, maybe some friends (but be very careful, go to those you have ALWAYS been able to rely on, this isn’t the time for trial and error friendships, you’re extra sensitive right now so you need solid friends around you) and also seek counselling, go to your GP and ask about the services they provide. Now talk to him once you’ve come to your decision and make it short, you’re informing him, you’re not asking him for his opinion on your decision (unless you want his opinion) after all you’re no longer together and he is extremely disrespectful. As for your decision do not make a decision based on the idea that you want him to love you again or to make him happy, you can do everything for him and get nothing in return, that’s the reality of life, don’t let anyone play you or deceive you into thinking otherwise and that goes for both keeping or terminating a pregnancy, think very carefully about your intentions because that will determine how easily you become at peace with your decision during your healing process and how overwhelmed you are with regret. Make a decision for your own happiness and that of your child, make sure you’re super aware of the reality of either decision, but also be aware that time heals, it really does, sometimes it’s slow but I promise it does, especially if you channel your pain in the right way.



Hey Oloni , well I have a boy bestfriend and I started to catch feelings. I told him I like him abit and he’s saying he understands. So I went to his house one day and it got intimate but I don’t know whether I like him or it is just a phase of liking your bestfriend. He asked me how I feel about this I quite frankly I don’t know.What shall I do ? 8. February 2016

Hey lovely,

I think you need to just see how this goes, you need to communicate to him exactly what you told us. Just say you’re not sure whether this is a phase or something serious and you just want to see where it goes, as he’s your best friend he should understand and it gives him the info needed in order for him to work out how much he invests into you romantically, so feeling wise you both remain on the same page.


The Pros And Cons Of Having Sex With An Ex


Sex with an ex – it could mean everything or nothing – most people opt for nothing, just some non-complicated, no strings attached sex. The idea sounds simple enough but the reality is that there is still the possibility of the situation become tangled even without the string. So, sex with an ex – should you do it, keep doing it or stop? Well, I can’t give you the answer to your individual situation that’s a decision you will have to make on your own. But I can offer a few pros and cons to assist you .. read more HERE 


Hey Oloni, I like this guy but I study out of London, I decided to go down to London for the week to see him since he said he misses me. The whole time being in London he only came to see me twice, I call his phone and he doesn’t answer he never answers my messages either. He have been sleeping with each other also. When I met him last week he told my close friend that he wants to be my boyfriend but I’m 5 hours away from London. He says this but he does not show me he likes me or cares unless I’m with him. I just feel I give him too much attention, unjust dunno it’s complicated. 7. February 2016


Distance yourself. Forget what he has told your friend. All you can go by are his actions and right now he doesn’t seem to be all that into you, facts are he is sleeping with you, then ignoring you. He may have his reasons but that’s all you can go by. If he chooses to reach out to you then communicate, but right now you’ve done enough communicating on your end and it hasn’t been reciprocated.



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