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Hey hun, the guy you’re seeing is being extremely selfish and clearly his intention with you do not go further than the bedroom. I’d leave because the relationship you have doesn’t seem to have any substance ESPECIALLY if he hasn’t even taken you out for a common meal. Oloni You’re going for the same type of guy because you’re allowing yourself to meet the same type of men. Have you tried switching up your routine of how you date? Have you tried going to new places? Meeting new people? Have you tried learning from any the mistakes you’ve encountered? If you want new results, YOU have to do something new. Act how you’d like to be treated and set your own standards my dear. You’ll be fine as long as you do what I mentioned. Oloni Hey hun, stop worrying so much as it’s a very common issue when having sex. Not all women climax from sex alone, there has to be a bit more such as oral pleasure, including sex toys etc. – You have to get to know your body well and find out what makes your orgasm, explore your body properly and it’ll happen. It’s also a fact that several women to not have an orgasm through penetration till their in the 30’s… I’ve read this from several places. Hey, He is being very insensitive and you’re right that was very selfish of him to say given the nature of your relationship. I would say best way to move on will be to go cold turkey, completely block him on all social media platforms, block all forms of contact and throw yourself into making yourself a better you. So that can be everything from working on your talents & passions, spirituality to simple things like joining a gym, eating healthily, shopping loads, changing up your hair or style (not to stunt just to feel better, stunting isn’t as healthy because if he’s unbothered you’ll be hurt), doing things you were previously too afraid to do…(these sound silly but trust me it works). You also need to inform your good friends about the situation and don’t isolate yourself, phone calls help if you don’t feel to go out often but eventually you need to experience new things, meet new people, just make sure you are upgrading your life in every way and cutting out all of the things/people that bring you down. Avoid all forms of negativity and any platforms that may be triggering to you. You need to know that you can love someone but also do what is best for you and he seems to be doing exactly that, so why shouldn’t you? He’s being selfish (and insensitive which is rude), but this just goes to show that you should be equally as selfish, if not more…pick your happiness over his and sometimes that means totally cutting someone off. Sometimes breaking up over things like distance can feel like such a drag because technically it’s not a violation, like cheating or abuse or whatever so you’re bound to have so many “what if’s”, those are perfectly valid and rational emotions to have…so you need to go through it and try not to rush things but don’t stay in it, if you flop and message him one time, it happens, but just never lose sight of the fact that he is putting himself first so you should do the same. Let that forever be at the back of your mind. Also don’t search for him in someone else. Biggest mistake and it’s unfair, let yourself heal. Hope this helps. -Ebi Hey lovely, There is a double standard in your relationship. You need to sit down with him and basically communicate the fact that there’s an obvious double standard in this relationship and that you BOTH need to work together and set boundaries regarding social media and stick to it for the sake of your relationship and since he has messed up before, you need to make it clear that you expect him to make amends and that needs to be evident in the way he approaches the issues you have with his interactions on social media, compromise in situations like this shows you care, especially when you’ve knocked someones trust through your own bad decisions. Now in terms of you deciding to stay, I always say, you need to know yourself. You need to protect your peace at all times and if there are certain things he is not willing to do which will help you build your trust for him, then you either need to decide to let go of his past offence and trust him without his help or ask yourself whether this is the relationship for you, that doesn’t necessarily mean he is guilty but it does mean that his actions will forever be triggering and a reminder of what he did, besides your inability to look past it will mean he is as good as guilty. Let’s face it, if it didn’t bother you that much, you wouldn’t be writing in. Don’t deceive yourself into thinking you’re alright with something that you’re not. Hope this helps love!! Best of luck!! -Ebi
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