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hi oloni I recently reconnected with my ex and we have been meeting up every other day and having sex. Valentine’s Day came and I noticed he may have a girl as he took her hotel and brought her an expensive looking watch she is also the only girl that he seems to let post on his snapchat as when I try he grabs his phone. I asked him straight if he was in a relationship and he laughed and seemed to avoid the question we have since not spoken about her and still meet up for sex, I recently came out of another relationship so I’m not looking to be with this boy or get serious for me it is only sex but should I care that he has a girl when he doesn’t seem to care himself ? I also can’t seem to stay away from him 19. February 2016

Abort abort abort. It’s obvious there’s someone serious in the picture and his response proves so. I’m sure you know the right thing to do, which is keeping away from someone in a relationship despite what you’re only in it for. If you can’t ‘seem to stay away from him’ then you’re not only there for the physical aspect, it’s clearly a lot more and from what you’ve written it’s coming across as if there might be slight feelings involved. Let this one go, nothing positive is coming out of it.


I am a escort. I’m not pimped etc it was my choice and I make excellent money so much so that I now only webcam. I am in university and I haven’t told anyone. A friend found out due to a stupid error on my part. I first denied his claims but at a later date he went searching for my profile to ask me about it. This made me really angry. He should have respected my privacy enough to not go out looking for it. He’s a born again christian. (even though he was texting me sexual things in the morning) but everything just comes off as false. Was I wrong to get mad at him and curse him out? 19. February 2016

IMO There’s really no right or wrong answer when it comes to the cussing, he was out of line so your hurled abuse at him, after he was doing way too much. At the same time when you do cuss at someone you have to realise that what you say can’t be taken back. I agree, he should have just went about his business and not tried to dig for evidence, but human beings are generally nosey. Now you have to decide whether this friendship is worth sorting out (that’s if you are friends) friends don’t send friends inappropriate messages..so try to find out what the two of you actually have. Also if this is something you really want kept private ask him to keep what he now knows to himself.


HI please help me, I’m seeing a girl who I’m very much in love with, the problem is, she had a boyfriend when we got together, and now I find myself questioning everything she does, example when she’s on whatsapp I question who she’s talking to, it’s driving me crazy, I don’t wanna lose her but eventually my paranoia is gonna be the end of us, I’m so in love with her, please advise me the way foreward, my insecurity is too much 19. February 2016

This is usually the issue with a lot of couples who are formed out of infidelity. But this doesn’t mean things can’t work even with the infamous saying ‘you lose them how you got them’. Talk to her about it and open up, I mean seriously open up. Discuss your paranoia with her and explain where your insecurities have stem from. Doing this allows her to know what’s up so she can reassure you, that you have nothing to worry about. If this still continues after a while you’re going to have to ask yourself whether or not the relationship can continue. I hope this helps.



Hey. So I’ve been seeing this guy for about a year now, well basically just having sex and he’s been recently saying things that suggest he really values our (whatever it is)ship and cares about me. I’m at the point where I want to know what we are but I’m so scared to ask cause I know guys hate that question. I don’t want to be the gir he comes to to talk about his feelings, have sex with and nothing else if I’m not his girl, but at the same time I really enjoy his company (and the sex lol). Should I ask the dreaded question or is it obvious? 19. February 2016

It seems like you’re putting his feelings over yours because of what you believe guys hate hearing. Nu uh, speak up my love, you’re both in this and if you believe you’re getting the signs he may want more then say something, especially if you do. ‘Do you see us going anywhere?’ ‘Is this just sex or more?’ ‘Where do you see this going?’- there are 101 ways to put across that your mind, body and soul wants more than just the physical. Honestly, don’t beat around! Several relationships have started based on sex alone. If he does however say he wants to keep things strictly sexual, it’s up to you to then decide if you can really do that without your emotions getting involved. It’s tricky to have sex with someone you might have feelings for, so be careful.


Hi oloni so my bf and I were in bed came to bed about 1130 the other night. We’d left our phones upstairs to charge and when we came up I’d asked him to pass mine but by mistake he’d passed his (both same phone) and i saw he had two missed calls from a girl he’d never spoken about. When I asked who it was he said its some girl from his workplace I’m like ok so why calling you st this time and why have I never heard of you speak of her he’s like I don’t know why she’s calling and he said she’d only started working at his place a couple of months ago. I still don’t believe what he’s saying because why would some random work colleague of a couple of months be calling so late at night? Am I being silly here to think that’s unacceptable? 19. February 2016

I can understand your concern, but honestly speaking anything is possible. He could be telling the truth and she may not know he has a girlfriend. There could be several things. Either way speak to him about it and share your thoughts on why you don’t appreciate what happened. What reason does a new work colleague have to call him at 11.30pm?What was so important and couldn’t wait till morn..noon in fact? Let’s not assume too much from a couple of missed calls… but girl, woman to woman pay close attention to certain things he does for a bit because as I said from the start, I understand your concern. I get it.


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