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hi oloni I love your blog btw , my boyfriend recently found out he had an sti and he gave it to me. Suddenly I accused him of cheating which is the obvious reason since we were having unprotected sex for 8 months and when I got checked mid way through our relationship I was clean so. However he claims he did not cheat and probably got it before me as he was on and off with another girl and I was a virgin when I met him. I don’t know what to do now he did tell me that this would never happen again but should I leave him?
16. August 2016
So it’s obvious he cheated. He also put your health at risk and you need to understand that STI’s are not a joke. I think you should give yourself some time from the relationship then decide what you want.
Hey Oloni, Congrats on the nomination and the blue tick I voted for you! My problem is I’m falling for my best friend he recently came out of a relationship but he made clear that his feelings were mutual, since the break up we haven’t spoken about it but I want him so badly do I confront him about it and go for it or wait a while? Xx
16. August 2016
Hey love, thanks! Give it some time then let him know how you feel.
Hey Oloni, sooo I’ve decided to start having sex with my boyfriend (safely don’t worry!), we’ve tried it about twice now and well everything goes where it should lol but I’m just wondering when on earth am I going to start feeling anything? Pleasurable, that is and whether it’s weird I don’t like it yet like is it possible to be one of those women who don’t enjoy sex (am I being dramatic ?) ? Also, any useful tips for girl first timers e.g positions and such. Thanks in advance and congratulations on your blue tickkkk!!!
16. August 2016
Hey hun! Welcome to the sex world and well done for being safe about it. I think you might need to focus less on positions and more on foreplay. Positions are great but if you’re not heated up sexually it doesn’t really matter how you do it. Ask your partner to spend more time pleasing and teasing you before diving straight into penetration. Neck kisses, fingering, rubbing, soft biting, humping lol! for at least 20 minutes.
So basically I have feelings for my daughters father, we aren’t together and he is in a relationship with someone else, I don’t know much about their relationship but I do know that it is fairly new, because of our daughter we have to spend a lot of time with eachother (she is only 5months old) and every time I see their bond it makes me feel for him even more. We get on so well, and I really don’t know what to do? We share a child I don’t want it to get awkward between us but I can’t seem to shake this feeling..
16. August 2016
Hey hun, this is such a toughie because in reality a lot of women would love to be with the father of their child if it was healthy and possible. If he was just an ex, with no baby involved, then I’d tell you to let this go. But it’s hard not to paint the picture you just explained in ref to the bond between your newly born child and the dad. I think you should speak up and let him know personally, but ONLY till you’ve thought about it properly and it has to be for the right reasons. Do you just want him because he’s no longer single? Or because you truly want to work things out and give things another go for the both of you/your child?
As for feeling awkward, it’s just going to have to be something you get through. The important part here is letting him know, remember that. You’re not asking him to drop his girlfriend asap, you’re sharing how you feel emotionally and letting him make his own decision. I hope I was able to help.
Hey oloni, I’ve been seeing a guy for near a year and we have sex regularly but he still hasn’t made me his girlfriend. I’m not the sort of person to ask him what we are. Do you think he’s waiting for the right time or because he’s already got what he wants he feels no need to make it official? Really need ur advice please xxxxx
16. August 2016
If you can have sex for a year, you can ask if there can possibly be more between the two of you. However if all you’re doing is having sex, I wouldn’t expect anything else. I would suggest you still speak up and ask, you lose nothing.
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