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Hi Oloni, so I recently moved home a few months ago after finishing college. Now that I’m home, a lot of my classmates found out I was back and of course word got back to my high school ex. We were together throughout our entire teenage years. But when we were freshmen in college, I got pregnant and he treated me like complete crap, denied my baby and even threatened me to get rid of it. I got an abortion which I still regret to this day but I’m not mad about my decision because I was able to move on and find much success in my life. (I recently started nursing school, btw.) But recently he has been being such a sweetheart and even took me on a few dates. He asked me to give him another chance and start a relationship again. I was shocked and didn’t know what to say. At the same time, another ex asked me to get back with him because he knows he wants to marry me and won’t be with anyone else. I seriously don’t even know how to wrap my head around any of this. What do you think I should do? 23. August 2016

Hey girl,

TELL BOTH THESE BOYS BYEEEEEE. No, I’m sorry but they don’t get to have you at your best. They had you and lost you, it’s as simple as that, especially with regards to that no good rhino that treated you horribly whilst pregnant, baby girl listen to me carefully, he deserves NO PLACE IN YOUR LIFE. Nostalgia often makes you romanticise things that you have no business romanticising. Facts are he disrespected you and abandoned you when you needed him the most as a result you made a hard and painful decision that still affects you to this present day, you did that all by yourself, without him, do you know what that means?? I’m not saying stay in a space of unforgiveness, forgiveness does not equal free entry back into your life and what more evidence do you need to show you that you don’t need that in your life, reformed or not, out of all the eligible bachelors you can bring home to Mum, a reformed serial wasteman doesn’t have to be one. It took all these years for him to realise he messed up? If you were my sister I’d grab you and shake you, then we’d both listen to Lemonade for a week straight and I ain’t even a stan like that. High-school sweetheart my backfoot, eliminate that dream. Don’t even claim him, I know you’re probably thinking this might be some fairytale ending to a disaster of a relationship but lovely you can have that fairytale ending with someone else, give yourself a break, you just got back home at least let the line of eligible bachelors go around the corner before you start accepting offers loooool.


Ebi A


Hi Oloni, I’m 18yr old been with my boyfriend from 18months and we’ve always seemed to have the perfect ideal relationship apart from a bit of issues where my insecurities had threatened it but we moved past that, but now lately he’s been really down due to many issues in his life, his career plans are slow and his personal life isn’t so good so he gets depressed here and there, i have tried everything to be there for him but he doesn’t care or value my help, ha been pAtanoid lately that I don’t want to genuinely help him and i have done everything I could to. it’s like trying to convince a wall that you want to be there for them. But lately it’s become. Thing where he is emotionally abusive towards me call me names and tell me I’m not important and j don’t mean anything to him, things like that, he calls me a bitch, stupid, lame and boring and anytime I try tell him I’m hurt by his words he says I deserved it. We once got into an argument and he nearly hit me, he managed to spit on me as his brother held him back. 23. August 2016

Hey lovely,

Yeh, it’s time to leave and suggest he seeks help. He is clearly either down or depressed (having said that depression does not equal abusive) either way whatever he is going through does not mean you become his punching bag. You are 18 do not do this to yourself, do not allow your formative years to be tainted, these years shape you and I do not want your happiness or perspective on life to be robbed so early on before you’ve even had a chance to experience life for all it has to offer. I do not want bitterness and hatred towards men to consume you, inevitably shaping your love life as you go along and causing you even more pain. Do not dare for one second normalise physical or emotional abuse, do not explain it away, set your standards and abide by them. A man who can spit on you is not worthy of your presence let alone help. Move on from this and prosper. How do you do that? Get everything off your chest, lock him off, stay busy and surround yourself with people who encourage you in the ways you need to be encouraged and finally do things that make you happy, and no this relationship is not one of them. Hope this helps. Ps. Do not take this as me blaming you for anything he is doing to you or the way he’s treating you, the fact that you’re able to write in and question what your next step should be tells me that you’re not too lost in this situation…all advice given is because I have faith that you can do it and you can take control of your life by taking the necessary steps to move forward without him. If that’s not the case write in again and we’ll approach it differently.

Ebi A


Hi Oloni. First of all congratulations on all your success, it’s really amazing to see how far you’ve come and I pray there’s only more success from here. Okay so I broke up with my ex because he cheated on me. And I do still love him, I’ve forgiven him and I’m in a different mindset now. One that’s set on moving forward and not holding on to pain and anger. But recently I can’t fight off the attraction I had with him friend. This guy would look at me like the prettiest girl in the world when I was around him. And honestly I could sense the attraction. Sometimes he’d try to hint things to me to ruin mine and my ex’s relationship and I think it’s because he was jealous. I’m not sure if it was because he wanted what we had or he wanted me. Honestly now I want him and I don’t know how to go about the situation and I want to get to talking to him and get to know him better. What should I do? 23. August 2016


Firstly, I’ll make sure Oloni sees your well wishes :). Now, I’m glad you’ve moved on from your ex, but my honest answer is you will never know whether he truly wants you for you as you haven’t shown me that you have built any sort of friendship with him before this point. It’s possible that he saw how badly his friend was treating you and felt that you deserved better or that he could treat you better but it’s also possible that he just wants to get in there and duck out. It’s obvious to me that this situation will inevitably be messy and I personally do not believe you make those kind of decisions without being sure about his intentions and it doesn’t seem like you are. Hope this helped.


Ebi. A



Hi Oloni, I have recently broken up with an ex of nearly three years and we had a roller coaster of a relationship. We went through so much emotionally and broke up several times but always managed to patch things up because we really loved each other. However this time I decided to start talking to other people when we broke up in an attempt to move on. It’s been about 2 months since me and my ex broke up and I am starting to really like the guy I am talking to. The only thing though is I do feel a bit guilty as though I am cheating on my ex as I’ve never attempted to move on after a “break up” with him. He still messages me now and again, but I don’t have the courage to tell him I am talking to someone else. What do I do? 21. August 2016

It’s really none of your ex’s business who you ‘talk’ to. If you want that guilt to go away stop messaging your ex-boyfriend and handle your break up properly by not speaking to each other and giving one another space.

It sounds like you don’t know what you truly want, but at this point you’re not ready to be on your own and need someone in the picture. If you’ve been in a hectic on and off relationship, jumping straight into another isn’t always a healthy option. You have healing to do and need to pick yourself up properly.


13 Things Not To Say To Your Friend After Their Breakup


Hi Oloni, I’m starting uni this September and I want some advice on how to talk to boys. I’ve never been in a serious relationship, only ‘linked up’ with boys in the past. I usually get with guys outside of my school and this has triggered my friends to start calling me a lesbian behind my back. I know myself that I’m straight but it make other guys in my school stop talking to me after a while because they think that it’s true, especially because it’s coming from my so called friends. This has affected my confidence with talking to boys a bit but I just want things to be different in uni. Please help, thank you. 21. August 2016

Those aren’t friends, those are some nasty b*tches you need to cut off. Starting false rumours is hurtful end of. Anyway, I think you’re over thinking the whole ‘talk to boys’ thing and it’s understandable due to your past experience. When you start university, you’ll be very surprised by he amount of friends you make in the first week. This is because of Freshers Week and everyone being strangers to each other and are desperate to get to know new people and create friendships. Go to most the social gatherings, and everything will happen naturally.


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