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I think you should try and talk to them. Explain you’re an adult and that although you will take on board what they’re saying, you are allowed to make your own decisions. Even if he can’t stay around yours I don’t think it’s fair they make your own relationship decisions. Oloni Hey hun, it can be easily resolved. Tell him what happened, explain how it made you feel and that you’d prefer if he deleted the video. That’s all. Oloni Friends with benefits for 5 years and now you want a relationship? Hun this has been more than a FWB on your end if you were emotionally invested and since he doesn’t want the same, girl you have to take a bow and leave. There is no other answer. Try the no contact rule. Oloni Hey girl, it’s anonymous. What you’re both doing is definitely crap. You don’t respect their relationship, he doesn’t respect his relationship and he definitely doesn’t respect you, casual or not. I would suggest locking the friendship off entirely or having boundaries. There are literally so many options in this world, it doesn’t have to be someone else’s man and you definitely don’t have to be anyone’s fallback. Address what it is that is causing you to do what you’re doing. Boredom? Find a way of being occupied. Convenience? Distanceeeee or replace. Loneliness? Surround yourself with great friends and do fun things and or focus on your passions (obviously it could be any one of these or none of these…just giving you options) Ebi A Hey, Your guy is taking you for a Holiday Inn. He’s saving his own money at your expense. From what you’ve said it appears that he is emotionally manipulative and he is using you financially. You my girl need not be so afraid of him walking out on you. He’s a financial burden, so you’ll gain more financially with him out of your house anyway. You have a child yes, but that does not mean he gets a free pass to walk all over you. So you need to stand firm, put your foot down and not bend over backwards just because he guilt trips. That is unacceptable manipulation. Don’t let him play you. Work out how much you want him to contribute and make it clear it’s either he pays up or he’s out of the house. Ebi A
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