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Hi oloni,im 19 and my bf of 2 years is 26 and the thing is i feel like he isnt really serious about me,he has 2 baby mums and 3 kids between them and when i ask about the future he says im different and that ill be his wife.however i dont believe him at all if i honestly got pregnant he wouldn’t care but he does tell me when i finish uni it will be the right time.i have never met any of his friends or family and even been to his mums house where he lives as he hasnt got a home ,we always chill in his car or go hotel.he has done nothing special for me even missed my 19th and didnt even get me a present.i am not sure where this relationship is goin as i would like a man who shows that he loves me and is serious.he is my first which i keep thinking if i break up ill be hurt. 5. October 2016

Hey girl, this guy is taking advantage and using you. He’s not trying to commit or be in a serious relationship. You need to let this go ASAP, because this situationship can blur your vision of how you see other men if you’re not careful. He’s not a serious individual from what you’ve explained. Your 19 and should be dating and having fun getting to know guys your own age, with less responsibilities. The guy in your dilemma is never going to have time for a serious girlfriend, with that many kids and baby mothers. Please please please move on.


My boyfriends mum is cheating on his dad, do I tell my boyfriend? I went to my partners house a few weeks ago to pick up some of my belongings, I have my own set of house keys and I essentially walked in on his mother and another guy doing the deed. I’ve been avoiding my boyfriend and his house since as I feel very awkward and I honestly don’t know what to do. It isn’t my place to say anything but I’m lying to my partner and if he founds out I knew and didn’t say anything, he would probably break up with me? What do I do? 5. October 2016

It’s such a tough situation, but it makes sense to tell your boyfriend what you saw and leave it at that. Pretending you don’t know must be difficult, and will definitely leave you in an awkward position regardless of what you do. Just deliver the news in a gentle way and don’t argue with him if he gets defensive about it, nobody really wants to hear that their mum was cheating.


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Hi Oloni. So I’m on good terms with my ex but noticed recently that my ex mostly comes to me for comfort, when my ex is going through an issue and even asked me ‘what do you like about me?’ which I swerved. Is it wrong that I’m not interested in being someone’s comfort zone or just to boost someone’s ego? 5. October 2016

It’s almost as if he’s turning to you to make him feel better about himself. Something you have no business doing see as you’re in a relationship. Distance yourself from this guy please.


Hi oloni I have a crush on this boy. I first made the first move and he seemed like he was interested. We speak quite often but at first it was always me initiating the conversations. We exchanged numbers a couple months back and started talking but he never makes the first move or try to get to know me. It’s been at least 4 months now and we have not really progressed. However I find it quite suspicious as he is willing to spend time with me somewhere but not in our current location. He hasn’t really made any moves but flirts back and what not. I’m curious is he not into me or am I doing something wrong? 3. October 2016

He’s not that interested hun, don’t over think it.


hey girl i was talking to this guy for a while now everything was good, we went on dates he meet my family, then all of a sudden he changed up on me saying can we be friends. but i miss him like crazy. this dude really got me f’uped. i told him i miss him. what should i do girl he making me go crazy. plus i haven’t told my mama and she’s like i ain’t seen him in a while 3. October 2016

You’re just going to have to get over this one hun and tell your mum it didn’t work out.


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