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Ladies, shall we have some Brunch? Come celebrate International Women’s Day March 8th. Eat, laugh and make some new girlfriends!

my boyfriend keeps bringing up us having a 3some and at first i thought it was jokingly but he’s actually talking about planning one seriously! I’ve asked him if he thinks it’s because our sex life isn’t great and he’s tried to assure me that isn’t the reason. he’s previously had one when he was younger and wants to spice things up? I’ve told him no way but he still brings it up and makes me feel like i’m boring him sexually. I’ve noticed since he’s seen that i don’t want to do that he’s been doing less in the bedroom and “jokingly” asking how i’d feel if he slept with someone else! Do you think this is grounds to break up with him, I don’t know how to deal with this 27. December 2016

Your boyfriend is playing with fire, with his very silly and stupid jokes. Was he expecting you to laugh? Let him know exactly what would happen if he ever slept with another person.

Him communicating that he’d like to try a new sexual activity is fine, but once you make up your mind and decline, it becomes unfair for him to make you feel like less in the bedroom.

Have a conversation with him and tell him how his remarks have made you feel.

There are numerous ways of spicing up your sex life without adding another person to the bedroom. You can try watching porn together, including sex toys, dressing up (not lingerie, think .. nurse/school girl/police)  having sex in random places. There’s so much more to enjoying your sexuality, without the need of another woman’s presence.

You can also read about other couples and their threesome experience over here

Good luck


I met a guy on tinder who didn’t look anything like his profile in real life in fact i think he used someone else’s pictures and he’s a lot LESS attractive than the men i usually date however we got along well despite this and i never brought it up. he’s really into me and wants to take car of me but this one factor keeps bugging me. Should i block him or confront him? 27. December 2016

Lol don’t block him if you like him, just say it with your chest. ‘Why do you look quite different, from your profile picture?’

You can’t walk past the fact he did something quite weird.


Hey, is it weird that my boyfriend didn’t get me a gift or card for christmas, he just texted me merry xmas and that was literally it. I got him a gift which i gave to him a couple days before christmas and he loved it so i’m confused as to why he didn’t think of me this season… Also he’s not broke , he bought himself some rather lavish items the other day and always pays on our dates etc . What could the reason be and how can i talk to him about it without sounding like a whiny brat 27. December 2016

He better be from a different faith, because there is no excuse for this.

Have a conversation casually and say something like, ‘I hope you don’t mind me asking, but was there a reason I didn’t get a gift from you this year?’

It’s not whiny and just straight to the point.


Hi Oloni, this is an issue I’ve been thinking about for years. To keep it brief my bf of several years still talks to the guy who sexually assaulted me and idk how to feel about it. I think the main reason why is he at the time “didnt know who to believe” because his close friend denied it. He also viewed it at the time as “cheating” on my part. The friend didn’t know we were together at the time. It’s a very touchy topic. I’m scared he’ll hurt me with insensitivity if I bring it up. What do to please? 27. December 2016

I honestly wish I could hug you right now. I’m incredibly sorry about what you went through, it doesn’t help that your boyfriend still speaks to him…It’s insensitive and disrespectful.

If you’re positive you want to stay with your bf, an open conversation between the two of you needs to take place. Understandably this isn’t something which is easy to discuss, but you musn’t be afraid to talk to him in fear of him saying the wrong thing. That silences your thoughts, which is extremely unfair.

If he doesn’t believe what happened and still thinks what he is doing is right, this relationship won’t be able to function properly. The longer you leave it, the more acceptable he thinks he actions are.

If you ever feel like having chat, do give me a call here




My boyfriend keeps going places (shopping,smoking etc etc) with girls and think it’s okay. He said they have been friends before we got together and doesn’t see that it’s disrespectful that he’s doing it because to him they’re just friends. I went to my friends to make sure I’m not going mad and they said it’s wrong but they are hot headed like me and make decisions irrationally so I’m not sure how to feel. He’s not listening and think he’s in the right (as always) I have no one else to ask and feel like I’m being extra when I say I really don’t like him doing all these activities with girls 27. December 2016

I understand your concern. I get it, when you’re in a relationship there’s certain activities you cut out with the opposite sex. (Or at least minimise) Shopping & smoking with other women is definitely right at the top of that list.

You don’t want to feel like you’re sharing your boyfriend, so it makes sense as to why this bothers you.

Have a sit down conversation and do not look for an argument. Say something like ‘I respect the fact you have a great bond with your friends, but I feel that some parts of your relationship with them makes me uncomfortable…’ – As a partner, he is the last person who should be making you feel this way.

Getting high with other women is not okay, would he be fine if you did the exact same thing with different men?

Talk about it and see how his actions are after, you, his girlfriend, have expressed your thoughts and emotions.

Good luck



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