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Grab a copy of The Big O: An empowering guide to loving, dating and f**king

Ladies, shall we have some Brunch? Come celebrate International Women’s Day March 8th. Eat, laugh and make some new girlfriends!

Hey Oloni. So I’ve been in a long term relationship for almost 10 years and I’m under 30. We’ve known each other most of our lives, we got together as kids and as we’ve grown into adults we’ve started to build a life together, moved in together, shared finances ect. Long story short, he’s always been for his friends. He will drop anything and everything for his friends & although I love that he’s loyal and reliable for them. He isn’t that to me & it’s made me resentful. 2 years ago I broke up with him, he moved out and I moved on. Got the best dick I’d had in my life during the year we wasn’t together. I only slept with one person during this time however it went past just sex with this person and we both caught feelings. I locked off the new guy about a year in because my Ex was promising to be everything and more I’d asked for, for all these years. So yeah i gave up the good dick and took him back and all he’s done is quickly slip back into old ways. He does nothing to ease my life like I do for him. Every thing I do to run our house, feed us, clean his clothes & after him. All I ask is for some appreciation. All of 10 years together and I can count on 2 hands the amount of fun dates we’ve been on. So yeah. Also just to add he used to text little tramps all the time during the start of the relationship so I’ve always kinda had a issue with that too! lol sorry this is long 🙃 17. April 2022

You know what you need to do.


Hi Oloni, a guy I’ve been talking to has arranged a first date with me. His last message was that he’s going on holiday for the weekend. Intuition struck bc his story seemed like he was on his own and after some digging I realised he has a girlfriend and is on holiday with her. I’m glad I found out sooner but my bestie is saying we should have some fun with this information. Any thoughts? 15. April 2022

Leave her alone lol just block him


Hi Oloni, so a guya cheated on his gf with me. I knew his gf but at the time I didn’t know he was her boyfriend and I found out a month into seeing him and went to her as a woman. Long story short, ended it with him, they’re still together and I’m not over him. 15. April 2022

This feels like a confessional.. well I mean it is. What I will say is that, that’s it’s not uncommon and that her decision shouldn’t bother you.


Hey Oloni, my boyfriend got a new job after being unemployed for 6 months. I’m happy, but I’m pissed off cus he told me his ex also works there too. I trust him even though he has only cheated on me once, it’s his ex I don’t like as she’s tried some shit in the past. Is it wrong of me to suggest he gets a new job or should I just watch him extra hard? 15. April 2022

Yikes – Did he not know she worked there before he applied? Your focus should also be on him if he’s been unfaithful in the past. I think you should let him know how you feel and have a conversation. This is such a tricky one, but you know your man, if he’s a cheater it won’t just be his ex at his work place you’ll have to worry about, it’ll be someone he meets at a bar, a girl on IG.etc



Hey Oloni! I have recently been more sexually active after getting me life together, (good job and fitness) as a result I find myself more sexually active. However my friends say that some of the men I go for are not on my level and aren’t good enough looking. Am I ‘loose’ for not placing a great deal of importance on these things? I feel like in this age looks and money are put on a really high pedal stool. 15. April 2022

Your friend sound like some HATERS! LOL wow. Listen, as long as you’re having fun, being respected, sexually satisfied and safe.. that’s all that matters! They sound a lil jealous too. Keep your vagina diaries limited when sharing with your “friends” or find some new friends.



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