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What a nasty person! Wow. I think you should tell your close friends what has happened, then ignore her. She’ll eventually get bored and hopefully, do one. There’s no reasoning with these type of people. Oloni Hey hun, check this out Hey hun, I’m sure you boyfriend does trust you.. he’s probably just fussed over the idea of the party holiday. It makes a little sense.. however, it shouldn’t make him tell you what to do. He can express his concerns, that’s what people in relationships are supposed to do.. but it will never be his decision to make. His request is very unreasonable and unless, he’s paid for the holiday, he doesn’t get a say. He’s talking like you’re married.. you’ve been together for a year and I’m sure you’re still quite young. Young people despite their relationship status’ go on party holidays. The truth is whatever you can do away, you can also do on a Friday girls night out in town. Have another conversation with him and see if you can both reason. Oloni Hey love, thank you so much for writing in. I really would really encourage you to carry on using all the dating tools and to just be a bit more patient. As for coping better with being single, I think you should use this time to improve yourself as much as you can. Being single is not a negative thing, you have to remember that. It shouldn’t be associated with being lonely. Spend time focusing on yourself and looking for new interests. What have you always wanted to do, learn, or be? Do that. Oloni Yeah, wearing old underwear can not be okay for your PH system. Your boyfriend has a fetish and it’s more common than you’d think. If it doesn’t make you feel comfortable, say so. Oloni 16 Ways To Tell That Your ‘Potential Boyfriend’ Will Never Become Your Official Boyfriend
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