Hi oloni, I’ve been going out with my boyfriend for about 3 months and he hasn’t really spoken about me to friends and stuff. I thought this was a red flag at first but he seems to be very reserved. Hardly talks about himself anyways(to others) so I’m still not sure how to feel about this. But my issue is I was going through his phone (I know I shouldn’t) and I was reading through his group chat and two of his friends I’ve slept with them before and I don’t think he knows. I’m absolutely panicking, it’s still early and I really really like him but I’m scared he might end it because if this. One close friend is too much already but 2 is crazy. What do I do???
18. August 2017
Sticky one! This is why you don’t go through phones. Now you’ve just put yourself in wahala (Trouble).
Tell him what you did and mention you’ve been intimate with his friends.
If you want me to keep it one hundred, I feel like most guys can get over one past fling that included their mate.. but two??? Sis you better hope he’s in love with you, because I don’t see it ending positively.
Hopefully he’s mature enough to understand.
Hey Oloni, I have been with my boyfriend for three years and I recently got a phone bill through for him it – it was more expensive than usual so I checked the numbers to see why and the numbers he has been texting are for a escort agency. Obviously I want to split up with this piece of shite however do I just split up and end it or try and get revenge?
18. August 2017
confront him then move on
Hey Oloni, love what you do btw, God bless you girl! I am a 21 year old lady, 22 soon 🎉 and I am a virgin. I have been ready to have sex for the longest time but one, I tried with an ex and we were not successful. He is a lil inexperienced and I am tight (that shit hurts). Anyways, my question is I want to loose it with this older guy, I have no emotional connection with him, just pure roast. Would it be wise to do it? I have heard you get emotional attached to the first person you have sex with it so I am in two bits about going forward with it. I would appreciate your thoughts. Thank you in advance.
18. August 2017
Happy birthday in advance!
Right! I’m a firm believer of having sex for yourself & not because you think it’ll create a bond between you and your partner.
If you feel like you might get overly attached (which is normal for many) wait till you’re ready to do it with someone who is also emotionally connected to you.
There is no real wrong or right answer. My main concern is that you use protection and water based lube.
Hey Oloni, I’ve been struggling financially since last year and I am fed up. Due to certain circumstances I can’t work and I have debts I have to pay. I’m thinking of getting a sugar daddy. And I’m not doing this because I want a luxury lifestyle or I want to be an instagram slay queen. I’m doing this to support myself. Please what advice do you have for me? Do you think I am wrong for wanting a sugar daddy? ps: I would never date another woman’s husband, I am in search of single sugar daddies ONLY! Divorced, widowed etc
18. August 2017
It’s entirely up to you so long as you’re safe over 18 and upfront about it. I don’t see the issue.
Hi Oloni, I’ve been with my girl for just over a year now. When we first got together I had a good job, had a car had savings and was quite comfortable for someone my age. We would go out all the time and it was never a problem. She has always earned more than me and I didn’t have a problem with that. Eventually like 4-5months down the line I lost my job, and haven’t had anything stable since then. As you can expect we stopped going out as much and even when we did go out it seemed like we were always doing the same things. Eventually I also lost my car. It really got me down because I felt like I was failing as a boyfriend because we couldn’t do all the things we used to do anymore but she seemed to be fine with it. Recently however she said that it feels like the relationship is not progressing and we’re always doing the same things. I’ve tried to keep it spicy and exciting but there’s only so much I can do right now. She says she understands but recently we keep having the same conversation about how she doesn’t feel happy atm with the relationship and how she feels like I don’t feel happy. I love her and don’t want to lose her but it seems like the logical thing to just end the relationship especially since I don’t seem to be making her happy anymore. Am I being selfish by trying to hold on to the relationship?
18. August 2017
Sorry to hear about your job and car. I really hope you find something new soon.
Have you tried asking her about ways the dynamics or the relationship can change for the best?
I think a relationship like this should end when you know you have really tried. You don’t wanna stay on a sinking ship, as things will only become worse. I’m sure that isn’t what you want.
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