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Hi oloni, I’m English and my BF is Nigerian. We’ve been going out for 4 years and things have been amazing. My issue is his mother really doesn’t like me. I’ve met everyone in his family, his dad and siblings really like me me but his mum doesn’t. It’s even gotten to the point where I feel super uncomfortable just going to his house. I grew up in peckham so I’ve been around nigerians(Yorubas) all my life. I know how to cook all his favourite dishes and I even speak better yoruba than him lol (my neighbour forced me and her grandkids to learn it lol). So I thought we could maybe just at least connect on that basis but nothing I do seems to work. I just want to have a good relationship with them, I told my boyfriend about this but he doesn’t seem to be working on it which is also really frustrating. Any advice on what you think I could do?
26. September 2017
I think it’s beautiful you want to embrace his culture! You NEED to speak to your boyfriend, have a firm conversation again explaining why it bothers you.
If he doesn’t help, talk to his mum directly in privacy and tell her you feel. Hopefully this way, you’ll be able to clear the air.
Good luck
Do you think its disrespectful if someone you’ve been in a relationship with for two years asks you for a threesome (on more than occasion)
26. September 2017
Yes, no means no! Have conversation.
Hi oloni, my best friend who is a male broke up with his girl(Janice) last year as he didn’t see future with her and he just wanted to be single and when he told me this I was quite happy as that meant I got my best friend back.. now recently she’s been creeping back into his life and I’m starting to feel type and I saw her on his snap last week and I got angry but i don’t know why and In the time they were together she kept giving me the side eye and she’s only met me once and he kept telling her she has to get along with me as I’m his day1
24. September 2017
This is why i’m not here for opposite sex besties, because it sounds like YOU want him?
Why are you so pressed that he’s working things out with an ex?
Seems like you need a love interest
Hi Oloni. I’m 20 years old and I only became sexually active a few months ago. Obviously through that experience i’ve become much more concious of how my vagina looks. I’m a woc and I think its normal for us to have dark areas – the elbows, underarms, inner thighs etc. But I realised how dark my vagina area is. Not thr actual vagina but the labias/lips are kind of grey and its proper off-putting even for me to look at :/ Do guys care? One time when a guy went down on me he made a comment, not in a rude way but he just said “how comes its so dark?” And also my vagina is very “neat” before sex whereas after the inner lips kind of come out and it looks “messy”. Again I didn’t know this was a thing until my friend said it happens to her so i checked for myself and it was true for me too. Are these things normal and do guys care? :/
24. September 2017
Hey hun, it is natural for us to have darker areas. I’m also a firm believer on thinking only the wrong type of guy will make you feel odd for how you look naturally.
Vaginas come in a million forms, so I’m 100% yours still looks normal.
Hey Oloni! Im going to keep this as short as I possibly can. So i’m inlove with a guy, we’ve been in eachothers lives for the last 7 years…friends, lovers, holiday partners ect. Anyway we’re both crazy about eachother, but things have always come in the way of us being able to give things a proper go. Now hes looking at facing possible jail time (1-4 years) What the hell should I do?! Propose we give things a go…walk away…? Please help. Thanks x
24. September 2017
He’s going to prison. Let him do his time and make a decision after.
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