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Hi oloni I am with someone that has a girlfriend but he broke up with her coz of me and I love him very much i have helped him pay his debts and even part of his school fees now we are having issues because he posted pictures of them together like a whole album on her birthday and I got upset and now he is saying I overreacted…what should I do did I overreact? 24. September 2017

You reap what you sow.

But seriously, get rid of him.


Hi Oloni, i’ve been married for 3 months with my BF of 9 years, and I found out he cheated on my for months before our wedding, he says he started because he was feeling lonely bc his mom was diagnosed with terminal cancer and this other girls felt like a break from reality and he ended before our wedding because he know I am his real love. I do believe he loves me and I love him deeply but my question is, how can I start trusting him again? Should I even do? 24. September 2017

Hey love! I’m so sorry you had to experience this. An ill family member is still not an excuse to step out of your relationship and I’m sure he knows this.

I think you should both seek marriage counselling, because although your are still quite early into the marriage you don’t want this to be an unresolved issue. You could end up resenting him.

Good luck!!


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Hi oloni so I recently found out that the guy I’ve been seeing has been seeing someone else the entire time we were together. It was ongoing for 9 months; I recently found out I was pregnant and I’m already a single mum. I don’t want to have his baby; I can’t put myself through what I’ve already been through. Should I even tell him? It’s my choice st the end of the day but it’s his child also. Any advice? 24. September 2017

Hey love, thanks for contacting me.

I think you should let him know, despite the fact he was seeing someone else.. you weren’t mutually exclusive.

I understand that you’re in a tough situation, but please consider it.


Hi Oloni, I met this boy a few years ago (he has been in a relationship ever since) and we hit it off straight away. We’ve always been good friends but with crazy sexual chemistry. We slept together and we decided we shouldn’t talk after that. That didn’t go to plan and we’ve been messaging every day and it seems we’ve grown even closer. His girlfriend doesn’t know what’s happened. It appears he likes me but he’s saying he’s now got relationship problems but he feels he’s in too deep. I would like to see how things would romantically develop between us but I don’t think he’ll ever break up with his girlfriend. Either way I don’t want to lose him as a friend. What shall I do? X 24. September 2017

You need to find someone who is available and not one who’s commited. It’s wrong. If he wanted to be with you, he would have left.. but guess what? He’s still with his girlfriend.


Hey Oloni, I have a friend who I’ve just recently met over like the last 2 months. He’s been living with his ex (age 30 he’s 23) but there’s nothing sexual going on. They’re sleeping in the same bed and she’s in a relationship. The only thing is I’ve noticed about their ‘companionship’ is that she’s really quite manipulating and dominating towards him. For example he’ll be round mine and she’ll call him saying he needs to come home because she needs the key and she’ll be abusive about it. It’s not even a situation where he can drop the key and come back as she’ll go out again and leave him outside so he’ll have to stay wherever he is till she’s done. I’ve had a word with him about moving out but he says God is control of his life. What’s even worse is that she’s the manager and has employed him. I see the way he gets annoyed she disrespects him in front of people is more a dog on leash situation. He doesn’t seem to see it this way he says it’s the will of God that gives him his strength to withstand her. I can’t help but feel that he uses Christianity as an excuse to be lazy? Also this guy is white so it’s unusual for me to see such a devout Christian behaving this way. Should I keep telling him to move out? I’m getting bored of making plans with him and then being cut short because she’s annoyed he’s out? I’m beginning to think it’s directed at me? What shall I do? 24. September 2017


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