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Hi Oloni, every time I have sex my narnie burns. Like legit fire. Is there something wrong with me ?
10. October 2017
Hey love, it could be a number of things. Try seeing a nurse as soon as possible.
Sooo I have these two friends that I’m really close with and we have been friends for 5+ years now and the problem is that I think they don’t like me anymore . Everytime we go out they make me take pictures of them only and whenever I want to be in the pic they are always like wait but it never happens and whenever they snapchat they only show eachother and they only post of each other and they constantly call each other best friends even though one of them talks so much shit about the other one but when it comes to being face to face they automatically like eachother. I’m always here for both of them and it’s wierd because whenever they both have a problem they come to me first not even eachother and I feel like they are using me now. It’s lkke they don’t claim me in front of people and it’s sad.
10. October 2017
I’m so sad that you’re experiencing this, threeway friendships are never easy. I’d suggest you bring them both together and tell hem how you feel, if you notice the same thing happening, perhaps distance yourself.
Good luck
Hey oloni! First of all, you’re amazing and if I weren’t based in the US I’d LOVE to be friends & get lunch & stuff lol 😂😂. Anyway, I’m entirely out of my first relationship & I had sex with a guy I’m acquainted with but not super close to. It’s not that it was bad…however he neither likes receiving nor giving oral sex. This is a dilemma for me because not only am I used to getting head, I actually enjoy giving it too. I honestly think that oral sex is a PART of sex. So my first instinct was to run like hell..but he’s actually cool & I don’t want to shut him down just because of his sexual preferences. Should I wait it out and give him a chance to see if my sexual preferences are something he can dig, or just let his ass go ? P.S – I’m NOT looking for another relationship or trying to settle down in any way since I JUST got my freedom back. Thanks girl !!
10. October 2017
Hey hun, if he’s not into oral sex, then he’s not into it, find someone who is. The whole point of having a sex buddy, is to have sex with someone you’re sexually compatible with.
Hey Oloni! so I may have been a lil bit of a hoe recently. I’ve had a crush on someone I know for a while so when I saw him at a party I went full slut, grinding on him while dancing, sitting on his lap, even putting salt on my boobs so he could lick it off while doing tequila shots. Now it gets a lil complicated because this boy leaves the party and my friend tells me it’s because he has a girlfriend waiting for him 😭 so I’m bummed out, drunk and horny so I decide to go for his friend instead. He’s not really my type but he’s still cute so we go into one of the bedrooms and start getting it on, only for the boy I have a crush on to come back in looking for his friend! turns out he doesn’t have a girl and just went to buy some smokes from someone. So by this point I don’t care anymore, I shaved everything for this and I tell myself I’m grown and sexy, so I invite him to join us 👀 so I ended up being doubled by them (I won’t get into THAT) but now it’s been a few days and his friend is messaging me constantly trying to ask me out. And the one I actually like? He thinks I’m his friends girl now 😒 sorry this is a bit of a none issue but I don’t know what to do, I’m trying to let it go but his dick was so good I barely felt his friend.
10. October 2017
I don’t actually know what to say sis , lol.
I hope you got tested after!
Hi, I met this girl at a uni event and we hit it off, ended up seeing more of each other after the even and eventually had sex, I started to catch feelings for her, and I wanted to make her my gf, then I asked her how many guys she had slept with ( I truly didn’t care, I’m open minded and I’ve been with girls with mad numbers, I just feel it helps me know them better). But she switched. Like. Switched. Next thing I knew I was branded immature and petty and whatnot. Things have kinda cooled off since she flipped on me but I still like her, I don’t know why she reacted like that but it now it’s like she’s hiding things from me n now I dunno what to do.
5. October 2017
Give her some space, then try and reach out to her later. Although your question was silly, it’s not enough to start making a huge fuss.
Apologise if she feels offended and hopefully you can carry on from where you left.
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