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Ladies, shall we have some Brunch? Come celebrate International Women’s Day March 8th. Eat, laugh and make some new girlfriends!

Hi Oloni, I met this guy beginning of this year and we’ve been cinema and top golf and chilled at his.. we are so comfortable around each other and like each other. He’s cute and affectionate when we’re out together. I’ve asked him what his intentions are and he got mad and said just go with the flow and stop forcing things just off one question.. he thinks I want him to wife me already. Also, he hasn’t taken me out to an ACTUAL date. I always pay for myself and sometimes for him too.. he’s 24 and I’m 21. Am I wasting my time? I want a serious guy who loves me. I hate meeting new people so this will be the last:( 6. March 2018

All i read was that you’ve paid for him and it’s never been reciprocated. Please let him go.

Getting straight to the point, I used my ex’s grief as an excuse to see him and have sex with him and now I am feeling extremely guilty?? I’ve always been in love with my ex even though I’ve dated people from time to time. I heard through my sibling who is still in close contact with him and that he recently lost someone in his family. I contacted him as I was genuinely concerned for him and I wanted to see he was okay, he askes to meet up and I agree, we talk and one thing Lead to another. After this, I haven’t bothered to contact him or see if he’s okay, I just wanted to see him and fuck. Am I a bad person??? 6. March 2018

Hi Oloni, I’m so sick of being messed about by boys. They take me on a few dates, I haven’t slept with any of them that have, and then after a few dates they just loose interest. I don’t rely on a mans attention to give me confidence but it’s really getting me down. I keep over thinking everything, like I’ll never be as attractive as some of the girls out there and there’s nothing special about me at all. I just feel like I’m in rut in my life and I’m just not satisfied with anything. I’m at uni so I should be having the best time ever (I’m on 2nd year) I just need some girl advice on how to approach everything, whenever I speak to my friends about it they just brush me off 😖 xxx 6. March 2018

Hey hun, believe it not, but what you’re going through is incredibly common! The fact that you’re going out on dates means your making an effort to get to know new men. I think you should try and carry on doing whatever it is that you’re doing, but also make sure you’re working on yourself as a person, so when the right person comes along they have a great version of yourself.

Good luck


Hey Oloni, my ex has convinced herself im in a relationship with someone else. To the extent she has messaged this girl and bombared me with messages. I found out she has been hacking my social media and emails for months. I would block her on Facebook she would unblock herself and keep messaging me. I checked my active sessions when i was logged in and her phone was logged in too. Ive deactivated facebook, changed my number email address everything. She found my new facebook and continued to message me. I really don’t know what to do its affecting me too much, is the police the only option? Ive tried the whole ignoring her but she just won’t stop its so draining i dont understand what shes getting out of this. 6. March 2018

I don’t actually condone women being called “crazy”, but this, this is crazy. She’s out done herself and it’s scary. Contact the police asap and file a report, I’m sure there’s something they’ll be able to do, but keep blocking her and putting a 2 step verification on all your social media apps, so she can’t gain access.


Can the sex and secrets posts be regular, I really enjoy reading them !!! 6. March 2018

we’ll try!

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