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I’ve been at my boyfriend for almost a year now this is his first relationship btw our relationship is perfect he is amazing and the sex is great. BUT I haven’t given him head yet although i really want to I just don’t know how to go about it and he’s never bought it up himself so I don’t want to make it awks or make him uncomfortable about the topic , but I know he wants me to do it , why hasn’t he said anything ? his never gone down on me either but I don’t really mind that. What do I do lol
26. April 2018
Calm down love!! Lol it just sounds like you both need to communicate your wants when you’re outside of the bedroom.
“Babe, what would you like me to do more of when we’re having sex?”
“I’ve been reading tips on Oloni’s blog for giving head. We should try it.”
As for him going down on you, just ask if he’s into it.
My boyfriend proposed to me recently but a few months ago when we had a break to clear our heads I had sex with a friend and haven’t told him, do I tell him or just walk away because I can’t marry a man I’m lying too but he’ll leave me
26. April 2018
It’s such a tough one. I think it’s important to ask yourself why you slept with someone else, was it a desire to be wanted sexually? Was it frustration? Revenge? Or a moment of weakness?
If you’re going to commit to someone as seriously as this, there’s a huge chance there will be this little niggle at the back of your head reminding you of what you’ve done.
If you want to carry on the relationship, it should have a foundation of honesty. If you can’t even give him that, then walk away.
My boyfriend has been bugging me for a threesome. He says I get to choose her, but the thought of another girl touching ME repulses me. I mean yea I don’t want his dick in someone else, but I don’t want any girl around me sexually. I tried to compromise and I suggested an orgy so I get dick too and now he’s mad. But now the idea is in my head and I think it’s unfair he was okay with me letting another girl in my bed but now that I want to balance it out he’s mad. What do I do?
19. April 2018
It’s so weird that heterosexual men are fine with the idea of threesomes that benefit them, but disregard their partners feelings in terms of 3somes.
If both of you don’t like the idea of bringing a man/woman in the bedroom, the thought needs to be scrapped once and for all.
Figure a new way to spice up the bedroom. Adding someone else can cause a lot of problems, especially if neither of you are open to the idea.
How do you ask your man for money?
19. April 2018
Drop hints or be like me and say ‘Can I have £300 please?’
Hi Oloni, I have two children with my partner which I had quite young. I was 18 with my first and 20 with my second. He’s 5 years older than me. I’m now 25 and he is 30 and for 5 years I was madly in love with him so much that I stayed faithful to him with no commitment because he said he ‘wasn’t ready’ and was too young to be a father. I raised my two children 80% of the time without him, finished my degrees and put them in private school all while he was running the streets. And now when he’s 30 and has finished hoeing around And his hairline has started receiding he now wants to marry me and be together properly, during that time when me and my family were neglected I’ve fallen in love with someone else. My question is, stay for the kids or follow my heart with a man who truly loves me
19. April 2018
Omg this shouldn’t even be a question. FOLLOW YOUR HEART. You deserve to be happy and to be with someone who will stay committed, even when times are hard. The father of your children has nothing to offer and has proved that, don’t allow that deadbeat to ruin your life.
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