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Ladies, shall we have some Brunch? Come celebrate International Women’s Day March 8th. Eat, laugh and make some new girlfriends!

Hey oloni. So this girl I’ve been seeing came over to my house and saw a painting I have. I’m quite rich, and it’s a painting that’ll appreciate in value. It is however one of a very pretty white girl naked, covering her bits but she’s got curves. It’s very realistic too, by a foreign amateur who’s gaining attention. This girl was furious I have it and wanted me to take it down. I don’t want to, plus I have no idea how shell react about me watching porn. Shall I dump her? Worst thing is she’s an absolute wifey and I’ve caught feelings 24. September 2018

She sounds annoying, so I don’t know where this “wifey” has come from. It’s a painting, it really isn’t that serious.


Dear Oloni, this guy I’ve been dating has progressively started to repulse me. He has a good dick size and performs well but I have to close my eyes and imagine someone else fucking me because he’s just ugly the poor sod. When he sucks on my breasts he looks like a rabid dog LOOL. It’s got to the point where I’ll only do doggy so I don’t have to look at his face… he makes really weird expressions like sticking his tongue out of the side of his mouth, like when you’re really concentrating trying put a thread through a needle kind of face. Anyway, his personality is nice which is why I gave it a go with him, and we do get on well. He treats me like I princess. I don’t know how to let him down and whether I should be honest about his disgusting facial expressions being the main cause of nothing progressing. He’s been a bit of a dickhead recently though so I’m torn between robbing him and letting him down gently. Please help 24. September 2018

Oh wow.

Please let this dude go. I don’t even know what to say…


T/W: termination. I need a little help. I’ve been dating someone for about 11 months. Well I was. We discovered I was pregnant a month ago. He was happy about it telling his friends etc. All of a sudden I couldn’t get in touch with him from last Saturday. So I decided to go to his house yesterday. For me to meet another woman and child. He looked so guilty. She told me she’s his wife and he has just brought them over. I’m angry. Feeling betrayed and very heartbroken. The worst part is he couldn’t even look me in the eye. I feel stupid and worthless. I’m afraid how can I not only have a baby by myself but one to a married man. I feel like abortion is my only choice now and that breaks my heart even more 24. September 2018

I’m sooo sorry that you’re going through this. It’s heartbreaking how someone can keep this sort of information from someone they were dating. I think it’s important you distance yourself from him just so you’re able to think straight and weigh out your options properly. I’d also advise being around family and extremely close friends who can help support you. Once you’ve figured out what you’d like to do, reach out to him and explain your decision.


Hi oloni, please answer I am in two minds and it’s very urgent. My boyfriend bussed after eating my kitty, is that normal? Not that I am complaining. Anyways the real problem is, as he was eating my kitty tonight i saw his hand wonder on his back and im not too sure but I think he was playing with his ass??!! Does that mean he’s gay or what. I’ve seen his hand wonder backwards before but when I tried to run my fingers through his arm to see where it was he would push my hands back up. I do not know how to feel about this as I tried to investigate (by making him lay on his front I tried to see if his hands could reach his dick from the back) but he kept moving mad!!!!!!! Like is this normal for a man. Please answer. 24. September 2018

Your boyfriend enjoys anal play, big deal! lol. Some guys are into it, others aren’t. Why not talk to him about it and ask how it makes him feel?


Hi Oloni. Me and my boyfriend have been together for a few years and now we live together. He is my everything, we’ve been through so much and he is my best friend. He’s never been the most romantic guy, but more recently it’s like we’re just mates rather than lovers. He’s extremely selfish in the bedroom and never wants to make me cum when before, he would always. I’m the sort of person who loves affection but I even have to ask him for hugs and when I do, half the time he says he’s too busy or he’s not in the mood to be affectionate. I don’t know what to do. I love him just as much as I did when we first got together but I’m tired of feeling rejected and he always acts like I’m being sensitive or stupid. Help! 24. September 2018

Heya hun! This happens often in many relationships. It’s best to communicate that you’ve noticed a change in the relationship and in order for you to remain happy in this commitment, he has to make you feel loved.

He could be extremely too comfortable in the relationship and think it’s unnecessary or there could be someone else in the picture, who’s receiving the affection YOU desire.

Speak to him


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