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Hi I am seeing this guy he is 31 but he has three kids and two baby mothers u do t know if I should pursue a relationship with him I do like him but the situation doesn’t sound ideal. I’m only 23 so there is a age gap any advice?
9. May 2015
Unless you want to be his third baby mother at 23, please do not pursue this.
Hey Dami.. you mentioned something about flavored lubricants and what the better alternative is. Could you please shed some light on that for me ?
9. May 2015
Yes! Silicone or satin based lubes are great.
My boyfriends ex is back communicating with him how do I make her vanish for good? (They are not friends and he does not egg her on he even blocked her on social media and she didn’t pop up for ages but two days ago she resurfaced and texted him I assume she was drunk she tends to do this every so often even though she does know about us) thank u
9. May 2015
That’s annoying! But we are in 2015 you can ask him to block her number unless she calls from other numbers, which in that case as long as he is not entertaining her, everything should be fine.
Hey Dami, so in 2014 I lost my virginity and I had been saving it for marriage. I was 18 at the time and physical touch is my love language so you can expect me to be very touch. Anyway, the guy I slept with we did it only twice and he wanted to make it official however I was reluctant because he had a child. After him, it’s just all gone wrong. I’ve slept with two people after him, I feel like I can’t stop. There is a guy that I’m talking to and I really like him, but I am not attracted to him sexually but he will treat me right. I have a friend with benefits and we sleep together often. I don’t know if I should drop the guy I’m sleeping with, to dedicate my emotions to this guy that actually likes me and doesn’t want to just have sex. I really want to be sexually attracted to my partner but I also don’t want to have sex anymore and renew may covenant with God. I’ve asked this guy if he’d wait till mairraige, he said that he would if he really likes a girl. What do I do
7. May 2015
If you want to wait till marriage to have sex, why is sexual attraction such a huge focus right now? Don’t get me wrong you should be physically attracted to who you’re with, who doesn’t want to be? It seems like you’re only giving yourself two options by default when it’s not necessary. CALM down and carry on dating the guy you’re not sleeping with, if things seem bright then yes drop your fwb, especially if you’re looking to renew your faith.
Hi, I met this guy, we went out on a couple of dates and things were going well and then he wanted to sleep with me but I wasn’t ready and I thought it was too soon. When I was ready we were about to get into it and he shrivelled up like a raisin. I wasn’t annoyed with him I was fine. His ego was dented but I spoke to him and told him it was fine. We were speaking everything was good and every time we were meant to meet up he had an excuse. I went away for two weeks which we didn’t see each. During those two weeks we didn’t speak to each other, I’ll message him and he wouldn’t reply or replied very late. I came back from my break and we met and spoke about his communication issues. He said that he doesn’t mean to do it. And that night we made up. The first round was good and the second round he shrivelled up again. Afterwards we spent time together spoke for hours etc and he said he liked being with me. Two days after I messaged asking when would I see him next and he said he doesn’t know and he feels awkward because it’s not the first time his shrivelling up has happened. He then said he needs space/time. So I left to it. 2 weeks after I keep bumping into him and he hasn’t said anything not even a hi? I’m not sure what the problem is. I’m a bit confused how one min you can like me and the next min you need space. I don’t know whether I should say hi to him when I see. What should I do?
7. May 2015
Give him the space he asked for, he’s probably still very embarrassed about the incidents that have happened. Even though you have spoken about it, he might not know how to handle it. The best thing you can do is let him be for now.
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