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These are normal thoughts that run through the minds of some in a relationship. You simply wonder if you’re enough. This could just be a phase & if your partner has given you no reason to think this way, chances are you’re worried over nothing. Come to the next one & thank you 🙂 It’s been a month, chill. You don’t really no anybody in the space of a month. Spend time together, go on dates etc. In another 3 months you may dislike the guy or grow fond of him more. My point is, don’t rush things. You block every single person involved in this dilemma. You do the no contact rule and block his number so there is no way he can pop back up & you block the lady who makes nasty comments about you on social media. If you want to move on, you will however if you tell yourself something might change or expect him to pop up again then you wont move forward. This is very messy. Soap tv messy. What are you doing sleeping with your step-brother? Nothing good is going to come out of the sexual relationship you have. The answer to this is clear, you both need to stop and find a way to stay out of each others space.
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