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Grab a copy of The Big O: An empowering guide to loving, dating and f**king

Ladies, shall we have some Brunch? Come celebrate International Women’s Day March 8th. Eat, laugh and make some new girlfriends!

When is the right time to ask the “what are we” question? I’ve been talking to this guy for 3 months now, been visiting him and he visits me, having sex and getting to know each other but I’m not exactly sure where I stand as sometimes he says things to make me question this.. I don’t want to be clingy or feel like I’m asking too soon what should I do 10. June 2015

Don’t ask ‘What are we?’ but simply ask ‘Where is this going?’ or ‘Do you see a relationship potentially coming out of this?’ – Be direct. It doesn’t make you clingy by asking someone you’ve been spending  time with where the relationship is headed.

Last year I stared dating what I thought was the perfect man for me. He completely swept me off my feet with these huge gestures, extravagant dates and things like driving me back home (to London) after a date in his town knowing that he’d have work the next day. However, he went on a business trip a few months ago, and everything has changed. He’s stopped all contact, but leading up to this point the conversation was dry as hell and his contact became infrequent. I am so confused, I would’ve expected this from another type of guy but I honestly thought he was different. What can I make of this please? 10. June 2015

He’s just not that interested any more. That’s it and it’s okay, because you will move on and date other people.

Hi, I met this man a little over a year ago. He was having a very bad time because his girlfriend cheated on him and I became his friend and helped get his mind off it. Then he got better and in the process I fell in love with him. We had some on and off issues but we never stopped talking. Some months back, I found out he was back with that ex. He still talks to me and we hangout often. It’s so hard to let go because I really love him. I don’t know what else to do. I want to leave and be happy but it’s so hard. I really love him. He told me recently that she left him. It got my hopes up but I don’t want to be a second option. What do you think I should do? Don’t make this public please. 10. June 2015

You have to cut him off. That;s the only way, he cant run back to you out of comfort when his ex leaves him. He isn’t even making you a second option, you’re making yourself one my dear.

Hey. I’ve been with my mrs for coming on 9 months now. Everything is pretty good and we are happy together. One major stumbling block is that she thinks she should have the right to go through my phone as and when she wants and have all my social media passwords. When I have told her to stop she says she has every right to do so as that is a condition of being together. I think this is weird and creepy and I hate it when she does it. What’s worse is the only time she found something bad was going through the recycling bin folder where there were some nudes of my ex. And another time when me and my boy were bantering about past flings we have had. I keep telling her its not ok to go through my phone even if we are together but she seems to think different. It seems like a petty thing to break up a relationship but I won’t stand for it anymore. How do I put it to a stop. 10. June 2015

It is a petty thing to break up over, but if that’s the condition to being with her, you’re not really left with any other option. You’re boyfriend and girlfriend not husband and wife. Your privacy is your privacy and she has to respect that. Have a talk with her about it.

Hey, So my boyfriend n I have been in a relationship for the past 2 and a half years. Everything regarding our relationship has been great! we hardly ever argue n if we do they last no more then 10 minutes. My problem is his ‘Best Friend’. If I take u back 3 years I met his best friend at an event I was hosting he attempted to get my number and I refused. From the moment I said No I was called all the names under the sun. He literally wanted to fight me due to the embarrassment of his friend’s devilish laugh when I responded. I had to have him escorted out if the building.. I met him again a year later once i was in a relationship with my boyfriend and he acted like he had never seen me before. I thought nothing of it. maybe he was intoxicated the night he acted like a fool. but as time went by he started making little comments regarding the outfit I wore that night and everytime I saw him he would repeat the same words I said to him. I started distancing myself from being at my bfs when he is there. I’ve spoken to my bf about it he then spoke to him and his conclusion was i got the wrong end of the stick. he purchased me interflora flowers to apologies which I thought was extremely strange. but my bf says it’s something he has always done and I shouldn’t look into it. 6 months ago I fell asleep at my bfs while he was at the gym and woke up to his best friend sitting inches from me watching me sleep. just there breathing heavy looking dead in the eyes. I FREAKED out giving him a piece of my mind. He proceeded in telling me he likes me,wants me and will get me. I left and told my bf he called him and he claimed he wasn’t even in london. I’ve been avoiding going to my bf’s but now his mum is becoming annoyed that I don’t go around often to visit her. I don’t know what to do! 9. June 2015

This honestly the oddest dilemma I’ce ever had, but it’s clear you literally have set an ultimatum. His best friend has disrespected you too many times. Sit the bf down and talk to him, you shouldn’t have to go through this.

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