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Hey, Oloni. I have found out my dad is cheating on my mum. How should I approach the situation? Tell my mum, tell my mum and dad together etc?
18. June 2015
I’m so sorry to hear this. You have to make sure you’re 100% positive he’s involved in infidelity. Sit your mother down and just tell her what you know, you’re her daughter/son and the last person who would want to deliver such news. Remember to be very supportive also as this something nobody would want to hear. It’s also best you tell her on her own.
Hello Oloni, you recently gave my friend great advice and I’m here now seeking some of your wisdom.
18. June 2015
You’ve come to the right place.
Is it wrong of me? My girlfriend has a friend that sleeps around a lot. Every other day she’s sleeping with someone new and the last guy she slept with didn’t give her what she wanted so she told my girlfriend that he drug and raped her. My girlfriend is getting stressed out and taking this girls problem on her head because she was a rape victim too. I don’t want my girlfriend to be friends with this girl because she’s a horrible person and she knows how much what happened to my girlfriend affects her and she is playing on her feelings. What can I do or say to my girlfriend I have evidence to prove that she lied, should I show it to my girlfriend or not?
17. June 2015
If you know she’s lying then show your girlfriend, but be very careful and discuss it with her first. Her sleeping around is not the issue the rape is.
Hello I’m a single mum to a two year old, I live just outside if london. I have no family around me or any help. I work full time and study full time. I feel like my life is over. I want to just give up. I’m depressed, exhausted, I’m only 22. I don’t know if I should give up uni. I don’t have any drive. I hate my life, I don’t like bring a parent. It’s so stressful, I only sleep 3/4 hours a night. I don’t hsvd a life. I love my child but I don’t know who I an. I feel suicidal and sad. Please what can I do to improve the quality of my life. Everything seems to hard.
17. June 2015
You need to see a therapist.
Hi Oloni, I’m a single mother and hace recently been speaking to a potential bae, however I’m not a fan of introducing randomers to my child or even talking about my child to guys because I feel my child is very sacred to me and don’t feel every Tom, dick and Harry needs to know such sacredness until I’m sure. My friend however advised me that this could hinder me getting into a successful relationship because it’s unfair to the guy I’m talking to as I’m withholding or omitting information. I’m so confused, please help!!!
17. June 2015
Hey! Having a child is not something you shoukd hide EVER. You don’t have to give crazy details about your kid, bit allowing a future love interest know that you’re responsible for someone else is vital. We live in world where some people like kids others don’t, but you have to give them that opp to know before things get deeper.
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