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I have been with my boyfriend for almost 2 years. Everything was going fine until he went to a female friends house and stayed there until very late at night. I didn’t mind that he was at her house as he was with another male friend which made me feel a lot more comfortable with the situation. The problem started when he told me he was going to be home at a certain time and was still at her house at that time after he had texted me that he was on his way home. I then later found out via snapchat that him and his friend were in her bedroom with her while she was getting ready. He said she wasn’t getting dressed and was only doing her makeup. Personally I think that it is very disrespectful to me for him to be in her bedroom period. I have told him I don’t mind them being friends and him going out to chill with her but I no longer want him going to her house. He then agreed that he would not go to her house until i feel comfortable with it. Is it wrong for me to be tough on him for wanting to go to other girls house’s late hours? Even though I’ve told him I’m not comfortable with it and then it pops up in conversation every now and then it seems as if it’s still bugging him.
22. June 2015
If it makes you uncomfortable, then it makes you uncomfortable. He was wrong for lying about his whereabouts, but since you’ve told him how you feel, the fact this shouldn’t be something that bugs him, instead it should be understable. When you’re in a relationship, some things can be seem and felt as inappropriate. This is one of them.
My boyfriend has been acting distant lately. We could go a couple of days without taking, but I known he still cares about us.Lately I’ve been talking to a guy I’ve had history with more than I talk to my boyfriend. Even though it’s all innocent and no cheating has occurred, I feel it’s not right. Am I at fault for entertaining him or is my boyfriend at fault for been distant ?
22. June 2015
You’re after attention & that’s fine and completelty natural, especially when you’re in a relationship. Entertaining this other guy will only make things complicated, sort out the issue with your partner and talk to him. Ask him questions, let him know how you feel in the relationship. I hope all goes well.
Okay soo this is deep! Me and my current boyfriend have been together for 18months. Since day one all we do is argue, I’m not the argumentative type of person but since I’ve been with him it’s made me feel like I have to argue back in order to get my point across. This is where I’m stuck; recently my ex boyfriend and I have been talking we even met up and the spark we had before be broke up was electric. We had a little intimate moment and we kissed but that was all!! The feeling I have for my ex are way more than I’ve ever felt for my current boyfriend. I know my current relationship isint working and I’m not 100% happy but I don’t want to leave my current relationship for my ex and it might not even work out. What do I do?
21. June 2015
It’s clear you cheated due to being unhappy, but that’s not an excuse. If things weren’t going right, you should have taken a step back and thought about your situation properly. Now you have to talk your partner and let him know what happened. As for getting back with your ex, think about that carefully and ask yourself why you broke up in the first place. Never allow an ex to be emotional comfort. Ever.
Last year I met this guy on my way home from work, he was driving pass and he asked for my number and I gave it to him. Within days of meeting we had sex. Prior to this he really was feeling me and always messaged me. After we had sex I decided not to message him only because I wanted to see whether this was a one night stand. We both managed to not message each other for a week after our first time sleeping together. Then I gave in and asked him whether he was ok. Thats when the drama started, he was like oh so because I gave your pussy too much love you didn’t get in contact. Oloni, he didn’t contact me either. Anyways I cussed him good, I couldn’t help myself I went in, I later regretted it but it was too late he blocked me on WhatsApp and I couldn’t call or text him. Months after I tried getting in contact by calling him on private number to apologise but he didn’t wanna know. The weird thing is I always see him drive pass me, he will follow me and make it really obvious like drive real slow. Ok 9 months later he walks past me and I didn’t look but I could feel him proper looking at me. Moments later I received a text from him saying you looked nice xx This was after 9 months of being blocked. Oloni, my pray had been answered, I was so excited and I messaged him saying thank you xx. Anyways cutting the story short, he has unblocked me from WhatsApp but when I message him he reads it but ignores it. Like wtf. He never replies, but when he sees me in the street he won’t holla at me but message me to say how hot I look. Whats his game??
20. June 2015
Why do you care what his game is? Move on. The dude is a joke.
Will there be any gay men at your event?
20. June 2015
This event is for straight people, but hopefully in the future that can happen.
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