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Whilst having sex I got ridiculously wet like puddle wet so wet I wasn’t tight anymore he was literally swimming,this was the first time this has happened to me how do I stop myself from gettin so wet ?the sex is too good but I don’t want to always be squirting lol it’s embarrassing.
24. June 2015
This is very natural and common, be glad. It makes the sex better, so do not feel embarrassed. However, if you REALLY want to be less wet, try reducing the foreplay just before sex.
Hi Oloni, despite what our generation say about “girls cooking for you man/babes” is it actually a negative thing for a female friend/another woman to cook for your man?
23. June 2015
Depending on the nature of the friendship, it’s not really a big deal.
My ex and I broke up about two months ago but we still talk and see each other now and then. I know that I still have feelings for him but I think that he only wants to be friends because he always calls me “his friend”. However he will go out of his way to see me and flirt with me and say certain things to make it seem as if he likes me when we hangout. I’m just so confused because he is constantly sending mixed signals and it sucks because I really want him back.
23. June 2015
Hi oloni. I’ve been in an on and off relationship with this guy did about 4 years now. We now have a baby together. However he has other children with other women. We try and stay away from each other but it just doesn’t work especially as he’s always over my house to see our child. I really love him and want our family to work. But there is so much chaos and drama between me and his other children’s mum, my friends etc. I feel like he’s resistant to being in a relationship with me because it’s not fair on the other mothers. Or he’s scared what people are gonna think about us getting back together. Do I try and work things through with him to have our family or just leave him and the drama and just raise our son without being together? It would be helpful if this could be QOTD.
23. June 2015
If all of these factors that you mentioned aren’t allowing your relationship to work out perhaps you need to re-think this properly. If you face drama with the other mothers of his children, have been on and off with him for four years, it’s very hard for me to paint the happy ever after you want. I think you should stick the the important things such as co-parenting. He has shown that he has a way of being irresponsible so try keep your mind on the importance of your raising your child.
I have this thing where I only introduce a girlfriend to my parents if I feel like seriously in love. I’ve only ever introduced one girl to them, maybe I’m old fashioned in this. Anyway, I’m with this girl, and I feel like we’re in a very good place at the moment. We’ve been together about 5 months now and talked for prolly 1-2 months before. She’s been wondering why I don’t let her around mine when family are home & I’m unsure how to articulate why I haven’t. How do I tell her that I’m not at that stage yet without hurting her feelings and making her feel like she’s just another girl?
23. June 2015
You’re just going to have to be open and honest. ‘I usually feel more comfortable in introducing a partner to my family when I’m ready’. She may not like the answer, but she’ll respect your honesty.
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