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But of a weird question but, I’ve realised that my boyfriends breath kind of smells. I don’t want to tell because I feel like it’ll hurt his feelings but what should I do? Because it puts me off when I have sex with him
29. June 2015
Couples should be able to tell each other things like this without feeling uncomfortable. Just be straight forward and tell him. I doubt he’ll get upset.
Hey Oloni I’ve been seeing this boy exclusively for a few months now (8to be precise) he has a lot of female friend which I was aware of rior
29. June 2015
Tell him if it makes you uncomfortable, but don’t expect him to change completely. If you don’t like it perhaps you need to think about the nature of the relationship.
Hey Oloni, I’ve been with my boyfriend for nearly a year, but I feel like I’m putting more effort than him financially, I know it’s not all about money & stuff but I’ll use my last 20 just to make sure he’s okay or happy where as when he gets money he’ll rather go out with friends. He hasn’t taken me out in ages, if we do I know I’m paying. I’ve done so much for him financially it’s ridiculous. I don’t know if I’m just thinking bout financial benefits or if this is an actual issue. But besides that he shows me affection & does make me happy. How do I go about changing things
29. June 2015
Talk about how this makes you feel by addressing what you’ve noticed. You have a right to want to feel appreciated through kind gestures from time to time, that’s part of what it means to be in a relationship. You’re also not his wife so stop handling his financial hardship, that isn’t your job as a girlfriend.
Hey Oloni. Earlier this year I was raped by my best friends father and I never made a report because I didn’t want to put my best friend through that as she doesn’t know what her dad did to me up till now but she knows something is up with me as I’ve been keeping a distance from her and her house when I’m normally there almost everyday. I know telling her would break her heart and would cause conflict in the family as her dad is still with her mum. To make matters worse I have now found out that I am pregnant with his child and I don’t know what to do, no one including my parents know anything. I know it’s not the baby’s fault but I don’t know if I can have this child knowing that they was conceived from such a disgusting act but I don’t know if I can go through with an abortion. If I keep this child I would have to tell my friend who the father is and relive what happened to me and even if I do say the father is someone else her father will found out somehow and I’m so afraid of what he may do and if the child looks like him I’ll have some further explaining to do. Please help, I don’t have much time until I no longer have a choice but to keep the baby (I’m 19 btw)
25. June 2015
I always ask people to remain anonymous, but I would really prefer if you could e-mail me so we could speak properly. You’re suffering in silence out of fear, when this isn’t your fault. You have done nothing wrong. I understand why you don’t want to tell your friend but she doesn’t come before you, her family does not come before you. This needs to be reported and he should not be able to get away with what he did. As for being pregnant, the decision is yours. Many victims of rape have dealt with this in their own way. However I’d seriously advice you see a councillor who can give you professional attention. I’m so sorry to hear what you’ve went through.
Hi oloni. I’ve been with my boyfriend for 5 years and not once has he given me an orgasm. I’ve had to fake it every single time. But im sick of it now and i feel that i’ve lied to him for too long! He’s very confident that he can satisfy so i dont want to hurt him and he also doesn’t take criticism very well… How do I tell him straight up?
25. June 2015
Eh you can’t keep lying just because he’s unable to take criticism. He’s not having sex with himself, your body matters too, so if there are things you’d prefer then tell him. What does your body enjoy the most? Longer foreplay? oral sex? Let him know. His pride does not come first or even second here. Do understand this however, orgasms do not ALWAYS happen for women whilst having sex.
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