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Hi Oloni, this not a question just a response to the QOTD. I was in a similar situation nearly 7 years ago. I was stalked and threatened for many years. I still live in fear of seeing him in certain areas. She has to go the police or it may not stop for a VERY long time. I didn’t because I felt I left it too long since the incident but after threatening him with a restraining order last year I’ve not heard from him. Please tell the police
16. August 2015
Thanks for sharing!
Hey oloni I messaged you about the guy who went soft during sex. Thank you so much I didn’t see thins from his side I have apologised to him about the way I reacted but he hasn’t responded. So maybe he was just after sex. Anyways thank you so much for your advice I love your blog xxxx
16. August 2015
No problem and thank you x
Hey sugar, just wondering your opinion, I was seeing a guy for a few months and he always appeared very cold and heartless, i stopped seeing him and i bumped into him on a night out and he had been drinking and told me he missed me and loved me and that we had chemistry and he notices everything and he was talking about times we had spent together. I never seen him since this night and we are no longer in contact as i blocked him. Just wondering if you think there was any truth in what he said or if it was the alcohol talking. Thank you x
16. August 2015
He was drunk, even if it was true, why are you pondering about intoxicated words? Move on x
Hi Oloni, A few days ago I went to meet some guy that I really liked for the fourth time. He’s 6 years older than me (bearing in mind I’m still a teenager). I didn’t really want to meet him because some things happened last time we met that I wasn’t so comfortable with. I tried to cancel last minute but then he started saying things to make me want to see him, pretty much sweet talk. I went ahead to go and see him and then he took me to some quiet area as he said he wanted to talk. He then made me do things that it didn’t want to do, I tried to get him to stop, I made it clear that I didn’t want to. But everything changed when I realised that he was taking pictures of him doing what he was doing to me. I haven’t told anyone because I feel that it’s my fault but now that I’ve stopped talking to him, he’s threatening to put the pictures online which is going to make me look like a complete slut. What should I do? I don’t want to contact the police. Hope you can help x
16. August 2015
There is no other way around this, you need to go to the police, but first speak to someone who you can trust who is perhaps a lot older than you. Someone you can confide in as this is very serious. What he is doing is against the law and he should be prosecuted for this behaviour. It’s blackmail and revenge porn and you should not suffer in silence. In the future never do anything you are uncomfortable with, from sexual acts to sex itself. If you say ‘no’ to something and that person tries to persuade you they do not have your best interest at heart. You never made it clear if you’re a minor even though you’re a teenager, but if you are below 18 please stay away from men who are that many years older than you as they are described as predators.
Hi Oloni, I was in a relationship with a guy for around a year the relationship ended when he cut me off with no warning and no reason, just stopped all contact with me. A few months down the line he got in contact with me again we never officially got back in to a relationship although we acted the same as when we were in one until he cut me off again. Its been almost 7 months now and I have refused to contact him first but I think about him a lot and I’m wondering if I should just pick up the phone and ask him what went wrong for my own piece of mind. What should I do?
16. August 2015
Please do not waste any more of your time by even thinking about him. It’s been how long and he’s done what already? There are other men out there. What makes this one so special?
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