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Hey Oloni, I have a question i want to ask but i’m a guy lol, is that still okay ? 21. August 2015

Yeah, of course.

Hi Oloni. My boyfriend randomly disappeared on me for a few months, and so I naturally flipped out once he tried to get back in touch. He merely apologised but didn’t explain why he was absent for so long. Am I owed an explanation? 21. August 2015

If he respects you, he would have given you one. Talk to him and ask what’s up.

Hi oloni, I have recently just started seeing this guy (about a month now). When we see each other, everything is fine and he says how he is interested in pursuing this long term etc. but whenever we away from each other. Texting and communication seems to be non-existence and really boring with loads of one worded answers. I have spoken to him about this but he says he isn’t one into texting. So I’m thinking should I just stop texting him all together cos I’m feeling having boring conversations with him would actually put me off him. Also it seems like I’m the only one that keeps making all the effort like tryna to set up when we can see each other. 21. August 2015

Read this dilemma back to yourself. Can you understand he’s not that interested? Don’t bother yourself with this dude, and meet other guys who wont bore you via texting and will  actually pick up the phone.

Hi oloni. My man is basically addicted to sex. He always wants to have sex.. Sometimes we spend weeks or months apart & it makes me wonder if he’s having sex with other girls. Should I be worried or get him to seek help? If I tell him how I feel he may be offended.. 21. August 2015

You mean he has a high sex drive? Having a high sex drive doesn’t mean he’s cheating on you. Unless you’ve got a reason to out him on it, don’t ruin things.

Hey, I met this guy on Tinder (i know lol) and it feels like we really connected like we texted day and night for weeks and slept together twice over the course of a month (again, i know lol) anyway towards the end i noticed he wasn’t as “present” and he was pulling away, like we’d only talk when i messaged first and even then he’d seem back to his normal self (slightly eager) and then just randomly stop. I gave him his space and left the burden of contact with him but now it’s been two weeks and nothing. I’m pretty sure he’s ignoring me considering the fact we used to talk everyday but annoyingly I’m not exactly sure on whether to reach out or not. I think I might have given off the impression that I’m not really interested but at the same time I think I’ve done more things that give the impression I am. Anyway I’m starting to ramble, what do you think? Swallow my pride and casually hit him up with a “hey wanna hang out?” or continue suffering in silence? 21. August 2015

There’s nothing with using Tinder! I do however think he’s not serious about you or the progression of the relationship between the two of you. If you’ve initiated conversations and its been two weeks since he’s even said ‘Hey’ you need to let it go.

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