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If it makes you uncomfortable, (which it clearly does) ask him if he’d be ok if you did the same. Look, if he’s not willing to understand how you feel, there are plenty of guys out there who won’t put your emotions through this. Oloni There are many things you can do. From sex toys, enjoying mutual masturbation, sending nudes, to dressing up. Ask him what he’s into. Good luck! You need to find a way to pay for those damages. You should also let him know you’ll do your best to get it covered. Let this be a lesson, do not touch peoples properties without their full consent. He could break up with you, but would he be wrong to? Give him space after explaining that you’ll try to pay whatever it is you can. Oloni Leave him! Yes. He’s wrong for sharing things you told him in confidence. It’s betrayal, unless you gave him permission which it clearly sounds like you didn’t. Tell him how you feel and that this whole scenario makes you hella uncomfortable Oloni
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