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Hey love your ex seems really confused in what she wants. I can’t say whether or not you’ll get back together, but I know that space and time usually allows people to clear their mind and help them come to a decision on what they truly want, so do just that. Oloni I don’t even want to be rude, but I honestly feel like your husband is lost. If a friend of his can’t acknowledge and invite you to their wedding then he shouldn’t be going, because that is not his friend. That is someone who wants you both to fight at home. You’re not some little girlfriend, you’re his wife. Your invite is automatic. I’m mad you even let him call her to ask why, you should have both turned up. You sharing his last name isn’t for decoration and for someone who is getting married, she should know way better. If she can’t afford to feed or accommodate you both then he shouldn’t be invited, period. Do not allow this to cause an argument between the two of you. Whatever the outcome is, this is just one day, but I do think you need to sit and talk to him about this because I honestly do not think it’s right if he goes. Oloni 8 Things You Should Know Before Having a Threesome Oh he needs to get over himself right this minute. You don’t date/talk/see someone romantically for 6 months and expect exclusive treatment in all aspects, if neither of you have given exclusivity the nod. You made the biggest mistake by carrying on whatever you were doing for so long. It seemed like it was more of a situationtionship and not a relationship. Why were you ‘practically living’ with him, if you couldn’t even utter the words ‘where is this leading to?’ – You haven’t done anything wrong because you are indeed single, the only place you f*cked up at was treating this like a relationship. Give him some space and talk to each other about what it is you want when you get a chance. You should never feel like you can’t voice your wants when dating someone and if you don’t feel like you can…. well perhaps you know what it really is. Oloni Lol hey love! Ahh this is so weird. I want to say I don’t see the harm in telling him, but then at the back of my mind I’m also thinking ‘these guys have no ties and you won’t gain anything positive by telling him’. It’s entirely up to you in a sense.. if it’s something that makes you feel comfortable by sharing then go for it especially if it;ll make you feel better. Oloni Hey girl, I understand your concerns and it does make sense as to why you feel a bit bothered. You can be friends or cordial with an ex, but I think there should be a sort of limit on how often they exchange words. It’s almost as if they have unfinished business. Talk to him about it and explain that it bothers you, someone who is ready to move on with someone else will not have an old flame calling constantly. Find out what’s up! Is he till feeling her? Because women will only react to how a guy treats them. If she’s comfortable enough to call at whatever time of the day, it’s because he’s allowed her to feel that way. Oloni
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