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Hi Hun congrats on all you success nice to see you do something you love and get recognise for it. I need your help. One of my friends come to recently telling me that he saw my boyfriend with someone when I was at work and he was kissing her and being very close. I trust this girl I really do but I play have her words although I trust her I care about my boyfriends I use to love her my boyfriends but a lot has happens and am not so sure anymore. Firstly sex is vey painful and I dreg having sex. Emotionally I don’t feel that strongly anymore. I love spending time with him when he does not start an argument but that not often. I find him aggressive sometimes so I prefer I stay out of his way I work 48 to 60 hours a week sometimes just to stay away. This information has really upset me and I don’t who to believe my friend or him re said he has not done it given he won’t admit it. 18. September 2016


if you’re not happy, leave. As for the cheating, if you can 100% trust that your friend is not jobless and trying to ruin your relationship, go with what he said, talk to your man, then leave. forget about how much you love him and think about whether your friend is telling the truth and go by that and hopefully when you talk to your man, he has the decency to be honest.



Hi oloni, me n my boyfriend have been together for almost a year now. He always comes to my house to chill n all that but I never went to his. I never saw a problem with it cause I moved out n he still lives with his mum so it was just easier. The other day he invited me to his house for the 1st time so course I said yh. Long story short I was shocked at what I saw. It was like a crackhouse. I love him but now it looks like the reason he never invited me before was cause he didnt want me to see how he lived. Am I wrong for feeling cheated? Now ive seen it I feel some typa way n its makin me doubt the relationship now cause I dont wanna future like that but he doesnt know anything other than that. Am I over reacting? 18. September 2016


I’m not sure what you’re trying to say by comparing it to a crack-house, like dirtiness or actually drugs. Either way, what I do know is that the best way to go about that is to be honest but to also help. If you’re going to stay with him, ensure that your criticism is followed by a helpful solution. If you want to leave then respectfully leave. However, I do think before you do so ask him why it’s like that, sometimes people may be going through things and maybe his family situation in general might be toxic…based on his answer and you expressing your opinion you can see whether he is willing to change for him (not you) his own well-being and health, surely that cannot be healthy, if that doesn’t happen then leave it (this is all assuming you’re not talking about drugs btw).



what does it mean when your girlfriend /boyfriend tells you that he/we can’t handle a relationship anymore 18. September 2016


It’s either over or he wants a break. Either way your best bet is to ask him to elaborate and to be 100% honest with you. Don’t guilt trip him, don’t pressure him, nothing, so he doesn’t go around in circles, just ask him to be honest.


Hi oloni, My boyfriend has taken a sudden interest in my best friend. He claims he wants to get to know her. I’m studying here and my boyfriend is back home and so is my best friend and so we are in a long distance relationship. For example he’s planning to go out together with her, wants to hang out with her, texting her. Last week he told me he wanna hook her up with one of his boys, knowing fully well that his boys are just f boys and just wanna hit, I told him no! He is still persistent, I dunno who made him Cupid. I’ve told him not to be planning nights out with her. For me it’s weird and I’ve told him to stop and We’ve gotten into a fight about this and we shouldn’t be getting into fights about my bestfriend in the first place. What I don’t get is why he wants to be all buddy buddy with her coz this is not normal to me. My brain cannot understand whyyyy. Am I being paranoid? Is this normal? I need help on how to handle this coz I’m slowly loosing it. 18. September 2016

Hey girl,

Yeh he needs to stop that immediately. Based on what we do know, they’re both being too damn disrespectful and they both need to be spoken to separately. Tell her you do not appreciate that and tell him that too. If they’re both idiots they’ll continue without informing you but you’ll cross that bridge when you get to it. Just communicate and ensure you make it abundantly clear that it needs to stop and they need to respect your decision if they have any wish to continue being in your life.


Hey Oloni, I feel so down and useless because a guy picked a girl over me. Throughout the year he was involved with a few girls (including me) but he made it clear that he was only after one girl. He would show her off in our college and talk about her to people saying that that’s his ting and just making it known that he wanted her and what hurts the most is that I can’t even hate this girl, she’s friendly and everyone likes her. But I’m here just thinking about him after all these months I thought we had a connection and that I would be with him for a long time but he also made it clear that he wasn’t after anything long term. What also hurts the most is that she didn’t even want him to begin with she didn’t want any of the guys that were after her, she was just focusing on herself. I know this doesn’t seem really deep but it’s affecting me so much, am I not good enough?? I’ve done some fucked up shit aswell but I don’t deserve this. 18. September 2016

Hey girl,

Sometimes these things happen. There are many issues here, one is the way in which you view yourself. You my lovely are precious. Unfortunately you’ve found yourself in a position where you’ve chosen to compete with other girls for a mans attention. Error number 1. Don’t get me wrong people can and are allowed to have multiple interests depending on their set-up when dating but the only reason you feel this way is because you felt he could potentially choose you. You also probably worked out why in your head you’re the best option.  What has happened is now he didn’t pick YOU you’ve concluded that surely that must mean you are not all you thought the person he picks/has picked would be. You attached your worth to his decision and in turn gave him too much power, no one should have that much over the way in which you view yourself. Nope. You were precious before him and you are precious after him. Now I know you’re probably thinking nice words but I still feel like shit, so let me give you a couple tips on how to move past this practically. FRIENDS!! They’re important. If you have female friends right now, I’m gonna need you to gravitate to the friends in your circle who live out the confidence that you’re trying to acquire (just for now, i’m not saying drop all your other friends) the reason I say this is that a lot of times confidence rubs off, you’ll still have to do the work but it’s easier when you’re around people who make confidence a lifestyle. Be real with your trusted friends and tell them how you feel, if you don’t think you have friends like that, try finding/reaching out to people in person (maybe even social media) that exude that confidence. I’m assuming you’re young, so try and find yourself a mento, if you’re religious then someone in that area of things and then another for motivation and guidance for life and well-being then another who can help you on the career/passion side of things, if you can find all three in one then perfect. Work on your passions!!! Do new things.  One thing about stepping out of your comfort zone is that it builds confidence and character and it also changes you in a good way, so much so you will gradually find your old self unrecognisable, why this works is that you’ll naturally associate this situation and everything that has happened with who you used to be or where you used to be, whereas the more you do new things and great things at that, you’ll realise that you’re the shit and that you’re better than who you were or where you used to be esp. when he was around…so even remembering him will be like old news, like so not on your level ;). Words of affirmation, tell yourself you’re the ish, feed yourself things that naturally build up your confidence, character, so shows, podcasts, videos, read stuff (empowering blogs are dope). Surround yourself with people who tell you you’re the ish, even guy friends that tell you you’re the ish so you know it’s not just your girls gassing you lmao. Do everything in your power to draw that amazingness out of you. Lastly, GIRLLLLLL YOU ARE ALWAYS GOOD ENOUGH TO SOMEONE, YOU JUST WAIT ON IT.


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