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Hey hun, I think you should be friendly and depending on the setting, walk up to him and introduce yourself, it’s a party after all…people often get to know other new people in these scenarios. Make sure you have a wing(wo)man with you to help socialise. Be nice, confident and smile! Oloni Girl, he just said that he thinks he might cheat. I can’t think of a clearer sign to let the relationship go. Oloni Hey girl! We can’t all be acrobats in bed, but when you’re getting into it, it’s always best to do whatever you’re comfortable with and can to please your partner. Initiating sex is easy and I’ll explain how. Try showing signs that you’re ready to get your panties wet my simply initiating a kiss when you’re alone and not those 3 second kisses, I’m talking full on action girl. Make sure you caress different parts of his body gently indicating what it’s time for. Dirty talking is also a GREAT way to initiate sex. Open the sex tab on here to read our many posts on sexual positions to give you the sexual boost you need. Congrats on the wedding! Oloni Heya, thanks for writing in hun. It’s good you were able to communicate how you feel about his heavy interest in pornography, it’s never quite easy to tell your partner that something they enjoy immensely is driving you up the wall, but it has to be done. You should never suffer in silence and put someone else before you. You need to have another conversation with him if you think he’s truly addicted to porn. Let it be known that you’re aware of his secret trips to the bathroom to indulge and explain that you’re quite fed up and how it has affected your self esteem. Watching porn together can be seen as something healthy, fun and new to spice up any couples sex lives, but in no way shape or form should it take over. I’d also advise you suggest he seeks professional help like a sex therapist. They deal with these issues all the time. Take a look at Paula Hall I hope things turn out for the better. Good luck. Oloni Whatever relationship or dating crisis you’re facing book a call with Oloni today HERE Hey hun! Break ups are so tough so when you’re going through one, however, you must always put yourself first. If blocking her on places helps go for it. If she reaches out another way to ask, what’s up? You can either ignore or say ‘I think it’s best this way’. Stay strong love! Oloni
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