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Hey Oloni, in this generation we’re in, how can you tell if a guy likes you without mistaking certain questions as hints i.e. “do you have a beloved/boyfriend?” this could mean anything, but I feel like us females will purposely make a simple question bigger than it is. What signs do you believe guys tend to show when they’re interested in a woman? It sounds like a basic but difficult question to answer at the same time, because every guy is different, but as a female missing out on key hints can cost us in the long-run.
3. April 2017
Heya hun, he’ll call, text regularly, flirt, ask you out. Pretty much it.
Hey oloni. I was hurt because i felt like I was set up. He didnt mention that he’d be bringing his friend along and so it made me start questioning how he really feels about me. Then I keep questioning how he would’ve reacted if I said no and cut. I do regret it because I didnt want to do it and I wanted something intimate between me and him rather than a threesome
29. March 2017
Hey hun thanks for coming back to explain. Do you know what, in life we all regret things after it’s been done, but it’s always important to learn from situations. If you’re ever in this position, never feel pressured or do it because you don’t want to disappoint parties involved. If you feel like it was a set up, let him know and perhaps let this guy go, because it’s becoming clear you’re not on the same page. You’ll be okay and if you ever feel like booking a call to speak to me, so so! the info is above.
Hi Oloni, a few years ago I had a child for a guy who flat right denied the child, even to this very day. A couple years later I hear that he had another child but this time he isn’t being a deadbeat and he’s actually taking care of the child. Not too long ago I saw pics of the child and felt like the child strongly resembled my own child. A couple days ago I got a heads up from a friend of a friend that they know who the mother of his other child is and asked whether or not I want to come to her as a woman to expose him for being a deadbeat to my child. I don’t usually like creating passa for myself but at the same time I feel like she has a right to know if her child has a half sibling out there that’s not being taken care of as well as wanting him to take responsibility once and for all. What’s your take on all of this?
29. March 2017
Oooh what a sticky situation! If I’m completely honest, I don’t think there is anything wrong with wanting to reach out to her, especially after he flat out, tried to deny your child. It must be hurtful. You’re not wrong for wanting to tell her that her child has a half sibling.
You should also try to put him on child support and get a DNA test through the courts. It’s terrible that he’s behaved this way towards you and your child. I truly hope everything can be resolved, fathers are important and should never turn their backs on their own kids.
Hi Oloni. I have been with my boyfriend for nearly 1.5 years now and I feel happy to lose my virginity to him. Everytime he’s tried to penetrate me, he manages to get a little way in, before it feels like he’s hitting something and I feel uncomfortable. I have tried lots of foreplay and lube, but nothing seems to work. Please could you shed some light on this? Thanks!
29. March 2017
Hey hun! Well done for for reaching this new stage in your sexuality. You have nothing to fear as this happens to several women all the time. Make sure the next time you try, you’re completely relaxed and in a position that will make you comfortable, such as missionary.
What I’d also suggest is much longer foreplay to help you feel even more aroused. So make sure that as well as kissing etc, either you or him can use your fingers to help stimulate either your clitoris, or the entrance to your vagina. I know you said you used lube but you never mentioned what kind, so I think you should try a water based one.
Keep giving it a try and remember that losing your virginty as a woman through vaginal penetration is never the easiest/greatest experience for many.
Hi Oloni,I knew this guy for 3 years and we always spoke,I knew he had a girlfriend but I wanted him anyways coz I’ve never connected to someone so much,late 2016 he confessed he liked me too and we both agreed to get involved,at first I’m like I have nothing to loose but I think I fell in love with him over time,we’ve had sex a couple of times,we have broken up but he came back to me and I accepted him,recently I told him I don’t want to have sex anymore and he got angry that I did give him an explanation as to why,there was a time I told him I was gonna take morning after pill,I later had side effects but he didn’t call me,I complained and that was when he called me but i didn’t pick,now we are not on talking terms because he said I didn’t explain my decision not to have sex and I refused to pick his call when he called me,what do I do please?
29. March 2017
He has a girlfriend. Leave this unfaithful weirdo alone. You not wanting to have sex should be the least of his worries.
Please make sure that anything like feeling sick after taking the morning after pill is taken care of. As sometimes when side effects such as vomiting happens, it means you need to go back and take it again.
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