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Hi Oloni, I have a dilemma, I recently met this guy at my friends house where he asked my friend about me and said he liked me and wanted me however, my friend didn’t tell me about this and a month later I crossed paths with this guy where he took my contact details. After just a couple of weeks I really fell for this guy as we really connected and spent everyday with each other. He then asked me about my current dating situation and I asked him about his, where he told me he had been seeing one girl for a few months and to be honest I didn’t see it as a red flag because he obviously had a life before meeting me so I respected his honesty as he reassured me that I had nothing to worry about in regards to the girl. Now oloni I paid him a visit and ended up staying over in the morning i noticed that there was a handbag in his room with female clothing inside it and in his bathroom I noticed that he had feminine products in his cupboard so I confronted him and his response was that it belonged to the girl he was seeing before me with that I voiced my concerns and even said I wanted out but he begged me claiming he didn’t want to lose me and that he will fix the situation with the other girl I accepted his request but my heart wasn’t at ease so I done research and found out who the girl was and decided to take to her twitter to perform my own research to then stumble onto her header being a picture of him and also tweets referring to him as her boyfriend. Now oloni with all these things that I saw I confronted him but he denied the girl in question was his girlfriend that he was only seeing her nothing else stating that he didn’t have twitter (which is true) that’s why she’s tweeting all these things. I’m in need of advice oloni as I really like this guy and have never met anyone like him.
7. May 2017
Hey oloni, I met this guy and we started sleeping with each other after 3 months after sleeping with him 3 times I started feeling uncomfortable burning pains around my vagina so I went to the clinic and after a week I got my results and have herpes type 1, how do I confront the guy and can I even as you cannot detect when you contracted the virus! But I’m almost 100% sure I contracted it from him as I also found blisters in my mouth after he has gone down on me and kissed me after penatrating me.
7. May 2017
Hey hun, talking to your sexual partner about herpes isn’t something you should fear doing. Sit down with him and explain what you’ve been told as I can guarantee sexual health nurses give you a talk when they have your results. Ask him to get a check up as it’s advised by clinics. There are also similar dilemmas regarding herpes on Ask Oloni, so have a look through the pages here to find it for more guidance.
Hi Oloni, yesterday my boyfriend of almost 3 years disrespected me on his social media by posting an inappropriate picture of him and another woman. He didnt see anything wrong with it until his friends told him to take it down, then he apologised and said he didnt know it was “wrong”. I accepted his apology but I told him I needed my space to get over the embarasment and disrespect but he keeps pestering me asking me “are you feeling okay now”etc. How do I tell him to leave me alone for the time being because telling him I need my space right now isnt going into his head.
7. May 2017
Call him and let him know that the more he hits you up, the more frustrated you become.
Hi oloni, my boyfriend of over a year has been complimenting girls in DMs, I saw from his phone and it’s times when we argue he does this!
3. May 2017
Dump him.
Hi Oloni, I have been with my partner for 4.5 years and we lived together with his 4 brothers. I think of all of this brothers as my own family, and yesterday was the youngest ones first day of work and I was so proud of him so I made a big family dinner for when he got home, and we were all hanging out and talking over dinner and so proud of him. That night my partner went to bed at around 7pm for work the next night and I stayed up and watched the for a while. This morning I woke up at 6am to him screaming at me and telling me to ‘get out of his house’ because he thinks I was fucking his brother. It turned horrible and we were screaming and yelling at each other, and he locked me out of the house and wouldn’t let me get any of my stuff. He is 4 years older than me, I am 21 and he is 25 so I am closer to his younger brothers age (he’s 18) but I would never ever do anything like that, all his brothers look to me as a ‘mother figure’ becaude theirs had recently moved out to enjoy her own life. In the 4.5 years we have been together I have never once cheated on him or done anything sneaky, but he has cheated twice in the past. I don’t know if this is the way he is reacting because he feels guilty about something or if he is seriously just messed up in the head. We have never been able to have a proper conversation as he just snaps and gets really mad and tell me to leave HIS house, when we all contribute and pay bills. He has been the love of my life since I was 16 and I just don’t know what to do. I have read all of your other comments about trying to communicate and tell him how I am feeling or what I think about the way he is acting, and I have tried but nothing works. His anger gets the better of him and we always end up breaking up for a day or two and then just brushing it under the rug like nothing happened until the next fight. Please help, I don’t know what to do!
3. May 2017
Hey hun if you’ve read all the advice I’ve given to others and it’s not working for you, you need to leave. His accusations are incredibly wild and how he’s treating you is very terrible. I feel like you know this though, but need me to reconfirm and that’s fine, but don’t allow your strong feelings for him to cloud your judgment
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