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My boyfriend has been acting strange and when I post pics of us he does the setting to hide from his profile? 9. July 2017

He’s your boyfriend.. why have you not pulled him up on it by simply saying ‘Umm what’s up with you hiding our photos from your profile?’



Oral Sex is Making This Common STI Difficult To Treat



Hi Oloni. I broke up with my boyfriend in November and it was mostly mutual. and we have been having sex and acting like a couple ever since. We do have the occasional what are we converstion and he made it clear he doesnt want a relationship with me ever, but he loves me and doesn’t want to let me go as long as he can. What would you do if this was your dilemma? Would you cut him off because its never going to be anything in the long run, or just be in it to have fun for the time being? He is the first person I’ve ever been inlove with. He knows I want him back and he could get me back at anytime he wants. Should I stop making myself so available to him, if yes how should I do that? Thanks alot Oloni 9. July 2017

If he’s already told you how he feels, my answer shouldn’t mean much. No fun can come out of this, if you’re desperately after something serious with him again. Break things off with him immediately, it’s that simple.


I was with my ex for a few years. We split up and got back together a year later. She told me she never slept with anybody, so I said let’s give it a go. 8 months into us trying again, she confesses that when we were apart she became a sex worker. She acts like it never happened, I’ve tried to ignore it but whenever I look at her I don’t see the mother of my children or wife. There’s been many occasions where we could have been intimate but I just can’t. I truly love her but I’m not sure if this is something I can get over. 9. July 2017

It was not wise of her to lie at all. I think you need to sit down and have a mature conversation about your feelings towards her and the relationship.


Hi oloni, I think I might have vaginismus but I don’t know how to go about it. I have a very active sex life but penetration is always difficult and sometimes impossible. I never enjoy sex and I’m beginning to think maybe I should just remain celibate for the rest of my life. I’m really frustrated about the whole situation. 9. July 2017

Hey hun, sorry to hear about what you’re going through. Vaginismus is known to be quite painful and gets in the way of having a normal sex life. I’d suggest seeing a sex therapist, they’re helpful and can usually train your vagina through objects so it goes away.



Why I Decided To Stop Faking My Orgasms

Hey Oloni, I met an awesome guy on Tinder and after phone calls we met up and had the most amazing first date. I stayed over and his house but we did not have any sexual encounter, we actually went to sleep and cuddled and it was really nice. Ever since that first meet, we’ve arranged to meet on 3 other days and he always has an excuse at the very last 30mins before we meet and cannot show up. We have been speaking consistently via text but he never answers my phone calls and just responds with text and no excuse. I’m starting to get annoyed and not sure whether it’s worth investing in further? What would you suggest that I do? 9. July 2017

He has a girlfriend and the night you stayed around, she was out of town.


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