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Grab a copy of The Big O: An empowering guide to loving, dating and f**king

Ladies, shall we have some Brunch? Come celebrate International Women’s Day March 8th. Eat, laugh and make some new girlfriends!

Hey Oloni, my so called relationship of six months feels like a situationship. Okay first off my boyfriend never calls me anymore, rarely texts me to check on me, ask how my day was or just normal things partners ask. I’m always the one there for him, helping him with his financial problems and just problems in general. It’s never reciprocated 23. July 2017

Then dump him.

Hi Oloni, I’ve been with my boyfriend for 3 years now, I’m 24 he’s 27. My at home situation is beginning to get rocky and very soon I will need to find a place to stay. I’ve spoken about this with my boyfriend which he understands but has not once suggested that we move in together to help me out. I asked him directly and he said he will support me but is not ready to move out for another 4 years. Even if I weren’t in this situation I would wanna move in with him in at least 1-2 years time. I guess he’s just way behind of schedule. My question is, is it weird that he doesn’t want to move in with me? Given the circumstances I’m in and that we’re both in a happy, fulfilling and committed relationship? 23. July 2017

Moving in together is a huge step and I don’t think it’s bad he hasn’t made that option available. What I do think you should listen to, is him say he can support/help you.


Hi Oloni, hope you’re doing well. A couple of weeks ago my boyfriend of 2 years and I got into a huge argument. He basically accused me of sleeping with other men, which I definitely haven’t, and said that my rape from years ago probably made me promiscuous. My heart sank when he said this, and from his face i could tell that he knew what he said was wrong. I ignored him for two weeks and today we finally talked. he asked me to forgive him and that he never meant to say it. The thing is, i can’t forget what he said and i don’t even want to be near him. I decided that i don’t want to be with him anymore. i told my friends and they said that i shouldn’t throw my 2 year relationship away over this one argument. My question to you is that is it wrong for me to break up with him for this? 21. July 2017

Your friends don’t want you to be happy, because my friends would want to fight a guy who spoke to me like that. The two weeks you gave yourself to think about YOUR decision was a good move. Do not get back with him, his true colours appeared and there’s nothing he can do about it.


I’m started to open my heart to God and fair and my boyfriend is the complete opposite. He tried to show me a video of Steven hawking assuming god does exist and I got mad at him? Was this rude and disrespectful or am I over reacting? 21. July 2017

It was disrespectful but I don’t think it’s worth fighting over. Talk to him, explain how you feel about what he did. It’s ignorant of him. If you never asked him to show you that video of hawkings, why would he just randomly pull it out?

I would also advise that you be careful with this relationship. If you’re looking for something long term, I don’t think you should be with someone who will disrespect your faith.


Hi Oloni, I’m afraid to have sex since I’m a girl with a lot of body hair. Even if I shave, it’s just not.. the ideal look/feel. I wonder if guys really pay attention to it and if they care a lot. I don’t want to be laughed at 21. July 2017

Hey hun every woman has something they’re slightly insecure about… as women we’re told we need to look perfect, but I’m sure even you know that doesn’t exist. If it’s not stretch marks, it’s cellulite.. the answer is to accept who you are and your appearance and to simply be intimate with a guy who makes you feel comfortable.


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