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Grab a copy of The Big O: An empowering guide to loving, dating and f**king

Ladies, shall we have some Brunch? Come celebrate International Women’s Day March 8th. Eat, laugh and make some new girlfriends!

Hey Oloni! So what are your thoughts on being the financial provider as the woman in the relationship? My boyfriend is always in need of money and I’m kinda tired of always dishing out money (even large amounts). I have goals of my own but I’m always helping him with his personal problems. What should I do? 9. August 2017

He’s sponging off you and that’s not fair. The issue here is you not being able to say ‘no’.

It’s not a bad thing to want to help anyone you love and care for, but from what you’ve shared on Simply Oloni it sounds like he’s taking advantage.

It’s unfair.

Please, get rid. He needs a job, not a sugat mama.


Hey oloni, i just came back from Napa 2 weeks ago. i dont know how to tell my boyfriend of 3 years that 2 6ft hench black guys blew my back out. wildest experience of my life. It’s his birthday next week friday and i really wanna get this off my chest asap.. 9. August 2017

Allow him to enjoy his birthday and tell him after. Have a conversation about the whole thing. Do you know why you did it? Explain as much as you can without making excuses.

Cheating is wrong, but it’s important to know why you decided to be disloyal.

Perhaps this relationship just isn’t for you anymore.


Hi Oloni! So I’ve been with my boyfriend for 4 and a half years, we’ve been seriously talking about marriage and our future together. We had our fingerprints on each other’s phone. A few months ago I had taken a screenshot of something I wanted to send to myself from his phone. When I went to the camera roll to do so, I came across 3 nudes just of the top half that looked like they of same girl. I was shocked to see this so I confronted him and he said one of his boys just sent them to him to show him the girl he was talking to. I mean at the time I said that’s very weird but he insisted and if I’m honest he had never given me a reason not to trust him, he deleted the photos and we left it at that. Then last week my friend messaged me and said she’s seen my man on tinder… She sent me screenshots for me to see, the profile was pretty basic and he only had 2 photos up. So when I asked him about it he said he doesn’t use it he only made it to encourage his friend to get in the dating scene. However my friend said it wouldn’t have shown if it wasn’t active? The next day I wanted to see if the app was there as I hadn’t been on his phone for months, only to find that my fingerprint didn’t work. He said he had to get rid of all of them for some reason. At this point he has an excuse for everything, what do you think I should do? 5. August 2017

Break up. He’s playing you.

Hi oloni, I’m in a same sex relationship with another man and we are doing the long distance thing and it’s working surprisingly well. However, having heard reports of hate crime rising and having watched a programme the other day about people being beaten up for who they love it has really made me question things. I am bi (so is he) and quite straight acting (so much so that not even all my friends know I’ve been in a relationship for the best part of s year). We are very private people but recently he’s wanting to be more open with his affection in public but I feel uncomfortable about it, especially because of the hate crime. Genuinely never felt like this before in a relationship but I feel like other aspects outside of my control are making this more difficult. Any advise? (Sorry if this is a rambling mess, fairly drunk) 5. August 2017

Hey love thanks for writing in. Liquid courage is also the best.

It’s sickening that people are commitng hate crimes based on sexuality. I saw a doc yesterday also and it bothered me a lot that, still in 2017 people don’t want to mind their own bloody business.

You deserve to be unapologetic, you deserve to be happy and live your truth.

Finding a connection is so rare at times, so please speak up. Talk to your partner, share your fears with him. Explain why you’re worried. I’m sure he’ll be understanding.


Hi oloni, me and my bf have been together for almost two years now and his parents do not talk to me yano, no “hi, how you doing” or “nice to see you”, they are literally not interested in me whatsoever and it makes me uncomfortable. I have talked to my boyfriend about it and he says it’s just how they are but I find it rude and un-welcoming. My family always make an effort with my bf and it hurts me that his aren’t even the slightest bit interested in me. The problem is, I feel like we’re too far into the relationship to change this now as I feel like if we were gonna break the ice, it would have happened a long time ago. Lol. What can I do to try and encourage them to talk to me more as it upsets me tbh. 4. August 2017

I think it’s sweet you want his family to speak to you more. It’s odd that they don’t to be quite honest. Why not have a family meal with them? Ask the bf to sort out something where they HAVE to communicate.

Good luck hun!


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