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Penetration hurts everytime I try doggy style. Is this something that can be fixed
23. October 2023
Try using lots of lube but also speak to a health professional if it continues. You might have a tilted cervix
Hi Oloni, help – I’m in a rut. I’ve taken a break from serial dating & I’m having casual sex again for the first time in 6 years (I’m 29). Everything guys have said recently just makes me roll my eyes, it’s all icky, I just like them for dick. But I’m 30 next year & I feel like I’m wanting to make a fulfilling connection but how can I do that without compromising my standards. I like nice places for dates, engaging conversations & a hard working man which feels hard to come by recently. What do I do !?
23. October 2023
Girl, dont let your age be a reason you feel like you have to form a deep connection with someone. If it’s simply what you’re just ready for THEN I understand.
If you wanna date, do things that require dating. Go to new places, try new experiences, get on the dating apps and just have fun.
Hey Oloni. I have a crush on my friend and I don’t know what to do. We have both gotten out of relationships recently and don’t see ourselves getting into any anytime soon but I can’t deny that there are feelings there. Should I act on it or keep it quiet?
23. October 2023
Give it some time and revisit your feelings. You dont want him to be a rebound.
Hi oloni, I started dating a guy who I really like, like he’s everything I wanted and more, great job, tall, great sex. We went on a date recently and on the date we were both drunk and I asked if I could wear his gold bracelet, he was reluctant but i persisted and he gave in and let me wear it. We got back to his and I noticed the bracelet fell off my arm. I told him and was so apologetic about it but he really contained his anger and didn’t say much for the rest of the night, it ruined the the rest energy for the night. After I left his I messaged him saying send me the link for the bracelet. He did and It was the exact same one so I know he wasn’t being cheeky but it cost £1400. I certainly can’t afford that right now so i just feel stuck. I feel like I’m going to lose him because of this, any advice for this situation?
10. October 2023
Girl, who sent you LOL! Maybe give him what you can afford and apologise. In future just nick a hoodie like a regular girl.
Dear Oloni, I am sick with guilt. My girls and I (all in relationships/ engaged) recently went on a girls trip to Dankie Sounds Ibiza and all 3 of us cheated on our men. This is so far from our normal “good girl” selves. But personally, I enjoyed every minute of it. My man doesn’t really pleasure me sexually but we are so compatible in every other way (sex is decent enough but he’s not as adventurous or attentive as I truly desire). This guy I met in Ibiza rocked my world I was shivering in orgasm? Like I totally forgot sex could feel that good! My friends also had similar experiences with the guys they cheated with. We’ve all sworn secrecy with one another (what happens in Ibiza stays in Ibiza). But I’m still texting this guy under a fake name in my phone and I can’t help myself! What does this mean for my long term relationship. I feel so guilty when I’m with my man now and he’s probably noticing I’ve been physically distant since I got back… I just don’t know how to process what any of this means and whether I take this to the grave or tell him? PLEASE HELP ME 😢
10. October 2023
Girl omg. You know this is out of pocket and very unfair. It also sounds like sex is important to you in a relationship. Maybe it’s time you and your girls rethink whether or not you all truly want to be in a relationship? I think it’s also fair you let him go as being engaged is very serious and betraying his trust especially at this stage is just hurtful.
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