“Dear Oloni, I just want to be a free hoe but all these guys want to get serious and all fall in love with me. I’m a Scorpio so therefore inadvertently a sexual being but I cba for have boys falling in love with me once we get intimate. How can I be a hoe but avoid boys falling for me?!!?!!??”
26. April 2018
Lol you make it clear before sex that you want nothing more.
Hey hun I have a bit of a different question. I’m romantically talking to a guy that goes to my church. He has a mild learning disability. Most people don’t really notice and just think he’s quirky and shy but when he’s comfortable around you his personality shines. He’s smart, he’s funny, he’s kind, he’s handsome, he’s very intelligent and ambitious with a degree and a career. He’s had no problems with achieving his goals whatsoever. The only issue is that his mum is really protective of him which I can understand. My best friend at the time made fun of him and embarrassed him in front of the whole Sunday school class when we were like 10 years old. To his mum, she still associates that incident with me, even though I didn’t say anything (which was wrong, I should have). This was almost 15 years ago and I have since apologised. I don’t even talk to my old best friend anymore. He forgives me but his mum still doesn’t like me. He’s tried talking to her but she’s agreed to give me a chance. What can I do to win aunty over please lol?
26. April 2018
Loool aww aunty needs to get a grip you were 10 years old for fuck sake. Hahaha aww this is too friggin cute! Okay, I think just going out of your way to be nice to her should be enough for her to warm up to you. It could take some time, especially as she’s clearly quite guarded about her son. Just be patient, I have a feeling it’ll all work out.
Feel free to keep me posted.
Hi Oloni, I recently met an older man who appears interested in me. My last relationship ended late last year and tbh I’m still reeling. Problem with this man is that I think he’s married but I’m not sure – he says he’s not though but men lie you know. He is really good looking and since I never had a hoe phase and I’m not looking for anything serious, I’m considering having a brief thing with him. Do you think I should go for it? Or is it too risky in the event that he’s lying and is really married?
26. April 2018
If you have no reason/proof to believe he’s married, do your thing… with protection!!!
So I’m 18 and have never done ANYTHING with a boy. Do you think this is a turn off for a boy? It makes me so self conscious to get into talking to other guys as they’ll think I’m a prude
26. April 2018
You are 18 years old lol breathe. Most young adults your age are sexually inexperienced. You’re not a unicorn lol. It’s not a turn off at all. If you do want to start sexually experimenting, take your time and start off gradually, but be safe about it.
Good luck
What do you think about people still wearing their ex’s clothing even though they’re in another relationship ?
26. April 2018
How did you even find that out lol. Like who actively snitched on themselves?
It really does depend. If it’s a clothing that blatantly belongs to the opposite sex, and makes you uncomfortable, then it’s understandable in my opinion if you’d prefer they threw it out.
However, it were a pair of shoes or trainers.. is it really that deep?
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