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My sugar daddy said he loves me and wants to have kids together soon but I love my boyfriend and want his kids instead but the money is too good to leave! What shall I do ? 4. July 2018

Better use wisdom..

Hi Oloni. Any advice for keeping down below fresh? I get quite a lot of discharge constantly and the thought of spontaneous sex scares me as I feel like I’m not clean. 29. June 2018

Heya hun as you know I’m sure, discharge is extremely normal for women, but if you’re really worried about it, see a GP or a sexual health nurse. My personal advice for keeping there all clean and healthy is to stay away from soaps, and wipes and use to strictly water to keep her clean. The vagina self cleans and does this with the help of discharge, so once again it is completely normal.

Also, try to maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly, I once read that this too helps.


Hi Oloni, so recently I’ve come across some shocking content on my boyfriend of three years laptop. Through looking in his history I have found consistent searches of trans related porn. I am in state in shock and have no idea how to approach this situation. 29. June 2018

Hey hun, there could be a number of reasons why your boyfriend was checking it out. It could have been out of curiosity, a fetish etc. He’s allowed to look at any type of porn he wants, even if it might make you uncomfortable, as long as it’s in his own private time.

Ask him about what “stumbled” across and see how her responds to get a more accurate idea.


Hey Oloni. I did something rather trash.. I sent nudes and made advances to a guy my friend was seeing. Yeah, I knew she was seeing him but me and him built our own friendship and it led to more. Anyway, I think someone knows. The chat was saved on his phone and screenshots were taken. I don’t think it’s her, she would’ve gone crazy by now and I don’t talk to him. Do I come clean or keep it quiet? They’re really happy and basically together now 29. June 2018

That was rather trash! Why would you do that? was your intention to STEAL him?

I think you should come clean and give whatever is left from the friendship some space. You also need some time to really think about what drove you to doing that. Was it jealousy? Was it the lack of love interest? Why?


Hi Oloni!! I’m 18, and I lost my virginity when I was 17, but I hadn’t had sex since then until recently. I was wondering if it was normal to feel bloated for a day or two afterwards! A few of my friends said they usually feel bloated after sex, but none of them have had it last as long as I have. Could it just be unrelated to sex and I’m just relating it because it’s the only explanation for me?? I know you might not be able to answer, but I thought I would see what you think/suggest! 29. June 2018

Heya hun, it could be the sex and could also be unrelated.  I think it’d best to see a sexual health nurse just to be on the safe side and if you still have any more worries.


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