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Grab a copy of The Big O: An empowering guide to loving, dating and f**king

Ladies, shall we have some Brunch? Come celebrate International Women’s Day March 8th. Eat, laugh and make some new girlfriends!

Hi Oloni, my boyfriend and I had a big argument. When we first met I told him that I live with a roommate. However, I actually live alone. I tell men I live with a roommate because I feel that’s it safer for them not to know I live alone. When we became official I told him the truth thinking it wouldn’t be a big deal but he became angry. He says that I started our relationship with a lie and doesn’t know what else I’ve lied about. I explained to him why I lied in order for him to understand where I’m coming from. This only made him more angry. He thinks that I think he’s a some type of criminal and called me paranoid. It’s been 2 weeks since he’s spoken to me. I feel like he’s blowing it out of proportion but maybe I’m wrong. Any advice? 2. August 2018

Men are actually mad. There’s a reason why women are so fearful to the point they have to choose how to protect themselves. I’m not even trying to be bias, but he’s an actual idiot. He can be annoyed at most, that you lied, but to not speak to you for two weeks is so childish.

I think this is just showing his true colours if I’m completely honest. Wait for him to contact you and explain how you felt.


Dear Oloni. I told my girlfriend not to get nipple piercings because I don’t like them and think it’s trashy but she went and got them anyway and showed me thinking I’d be all happy like “surprise”. I’m annoyed at her for not obeying me and more because I’m wondering who she is trying to impress if I’m the only one meant to see her body. I told her to take them out and she’s refusing and saying it’s her body and choices but I would never do something like that to her. Tbh I’m pissed off, what do you think I should do? 1. August 2018


Hey Oloni, I want to know if you know of any good “dirty talk” words I can use during sex that’ll turn my man on and make oral a tad bit more exciting? 1. August 2018

Heya hun, there are so many fun naughty words you can use but why not start off by describing what you’re doing when giving him oral pleasure.

So, “do you like when I make it all nice and wet?” ..or “would you like me to choke on it?”

Good luck and happy sucking.


Hey Oloni, I recently got catfished by a guy I fell in love with. We met on a dating app and spoke on the phone everyday for 4 months before we met. 4 months is a long time to build a bond with someone and I just fell in love with his personality and he says he is in love me with me too. The problem is that he isn’t who he portrayed himself to be in his photos, when we met I was in shock and he said “well obviously I look abit differently to what you expected but I wanted someone to fall for me genuinely”. But how is it genuine if he basically lied about what he looks like for months. He says that is the only thing he lied about. Basically he’s not ever what I would go for looks wise, I’m flat out not attracted to him in real life. But I miss our conversations, I feel like I’ve lost a best friend and someone I truly had feelings for. I told him I’d need time to think. I really need advice on whether or not I should cut him off for catfishing me or just remain as friends because I can’t be with someone who I’m not attracted to physically. I don’t want to sound shallow either way. What do you think I should do please? 1. August 2018

Anyone who can lie about what they look like should not be trusted. It’s a huge red flag. Next time please try facetiming, because 4 months??


Hey Oloni, my bf drove his female colleague home from work last week and says it’s because it was too hot for her to take the tube. She then called him to say thank you. He’s never done something like this before. Should I trust his word or investigate further? 1. August 2018

Ah sis it really is hot on the tubes. Believe him unless he’s given you other reasons to doubt him.


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