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Grab a copy of The Big O: An empowering guide to loving, dating and f**king

Ladies, shall we have some Brunch? Come celebrate International Women’s Day March 8th. Eat, laugh and make some new girlfriends!

My girlfriend is boring. We’ve been together for almost 5 years. I work hard with a full time job and also have a side hustle, When an opportunity arises I make the effort to plan something nice for us to do. If I don’t plan anything we don’t do anything. I love this girl to death. My sex drive is very high. She never initiates sex and when I initiate sex it’s always no. I’ve tried speaking to her about it, but nothing. It’s driving me crazy. 14. November 2018

If you’ve spoken to her about everything you’ve mentioned to me, it’s sad to say but maybe it’s time you exit the relationship. Forcing it with her will only cause more problems. It’s best to be with someone who you’re compatible with emotionally and sexually.


Hi Oloni, I was with my ex boyfriend for 6 months prior to him getting arrested. It was good during those 6 months but I wasn’t with him long enough to know how I truly felt about him. After he got arrested I stayed with him for 18 months while he was in prison. I soon after realised this isn’t what I wanted. I put my whole life on pause for him, I didn’t go out cause he wouldn’t know what I would get up to and things like that. It even got so bad he wanted me to download a app where he could see where I was 24/7 (he had a phone). Several weeks after we ended I met a guy, not just a guy… THE GUY. We connect on a different level and we’re into all the same things. To cut it short my ex will be out by the end of next year and he is somewhat psycho, he doesn’t know I’m seeing someone knew and if he did I’m scared of what he might do. I’m contemplating going into hiding, deleting all my social media etc. He doesn’t know where I live or anything but he feels like he invested a lot of time and money in me. What should I do? 14. November 2018

Heya! Wow. Okay, I think you should try getting a new number or make sure you block his once he tries to call you. I’d also suggest blocking him off all socials so he can’t see what you’re doing. If you come into contact with him and his displays any crazy behaviour alert the police immediately. Be safe and congrats on the new guy sis.


Hey Oloni, I just need some advice. Right so next week I’m having sex for the first time since I lost my v-card a couple years back and I’m really nervous I don’t know what to expect, what to do! How do I prepare myself because honestly I don’t know what I’ve got my self into but I just feel like it’s time. 14. November 2018

Heya hun! Breatheee. Make sure you enjoy a lot of foreplay before any penetration happens. This will allow you to feel more relaxed. Perhaps take some lube with you also and communicate with your sexual partner how you enjoy being pleased.


My sugar daddy said he’s going to be broke for a while once as he is investing in some properties. I’m literally vomiting as I type this because sugar daddy and broke in the same sentence makes me gag. But I love him so what do I do. 20. October 2018

Hey love! You’re not supposed to be “in love” with your sugar daddy. Perhaps it’s time to cut him loose?


Hey Oloni, two of my close friends had a thing for a while. They were never together and never had sex, as she didn’t want to. She recently expressed that she wasn’t interested in the male friend, and didn’t want to take it any further. Long story short – I was drinking with the male friend and we ended up having sex. The male friend doesn’t want to tell the female friend, but I feel deceitful. Should I tell her? 5. October 2018

I mean you don’t have to in my very honest opinion it’s your sex life, your business. They weren’t in a relationship, they just fooled around. However, I do think it could be wise to let her know. If she finds out and it doesn’t come from you it could look a bit funny, especially if she’s a good friend.


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