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Hello, i’ve been dating my boyfriend for nearly three years, we are very happy. Obviously we have a couple bad times but nevertheless. He says i’m his last stop and he wants to spend forever with me. Thing is, we haven’t had sex as i’m still a virgin, but we do other stuff but never get to sex. He doesn’t complain or push it or push me into it or get angry about anything. Is that a good or bad thing? When i kinda asked about it he said he’s not with me for sex and whenever i’m ready, it will happen, whenever that is. Let’s also add the fact that we’re in a distant relationship for a little part of the year. Is it bad that he doesn’t push me or push it?
7. May 2015
It’s a good thing no one should ever force you to do anything you don’t want to, he doesn’t get brownie points for this however.
I’ve known a guy for over 3 years but we haven’t met. we’ve only spoken through the Internet because he lives in a different country from me. We have spoken on the phone and through Skype but we can’t afford to visit each other but the relationship is real and I have deep feelings for him. I think I may actually love him. We have began to have cyber sex where we send each other dirty pictures and have dirty phone conversations with each other. I want to know how I know if he feels the same too? The first time he told me he thinks he loves me was last year summer. He’s really busy with work but speaks to me whenever he can but he seems to be available when the conversation gets sexual (he really likes our dirty talk because he always cums from it) but I would like to know if you think he feels the same way? Should I end things with him? Or how do I go about asking him how he feels? Answer all of those questions for me please. Thank you.
7. May 2015
The question is what do you think YOU should do deep down? Right now it seems like you’re having a great cyber sex life where your emotions are involved. If neither of you can afford to meet up, how exactly will this relationship work? I think you need to decide if this is something you can continue to commit to knowing that.
Do you think using sex toys is godly?
7. May 2015
I have been with a guy on and off for 5 years but in those 5 years he has cheated on me with different girls but I stayed only because I’ve invested so much time so each time he comes back begging I accept him back. we have a child together but recently I slept with my best friend who is also friends with my bf . My bf found out and he went mad but he’ blames himself because if he didn’t cheat on me I wouldn’t have gone to my best friend for comfort . He was mad about it at first but now I think he’s getting over it , is he ever going to get over it fully or he’s going to revenge and hurt me more ? What do I do ? Should I just be a baby mum and call the relationship thing quits ?
6. May 2015
This is all a mess, I think you should let go of this. Too much hurt has been caused.
Hey. I’ve been seeing this guy for like a month now. I’m not ready for a relationship because I find it hard to trust and we’ve just met. He’s not ready for a relationship neither but his reasons are because he wants to focus on his career. He’s a busy guy but makes time for me. He’s attentive, although it’s only a month and abit we are exclusive. However it is my birthday today. He was the first to message me which was sweet but he hasn’t made plans yet.. Do I tell him I want to do something? I don’t expect any presents but I want to do something.
6. May 2015
Yes, voice it it’s no biggie if you want to spend the day with someone you’re casually dating.
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