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Ladies, shall we have some Brunch? Come celebrate International Women’s Day March 8th. Eat, laugh and make some new girlfriends!

Hey Oloni, I’ve been seeing someone for about 12 months now and he made it very clear that it is just sex. Me and my ex still talk but its strictly friendship and he has problem with that. Would it be wise to stop talking to my ex for sex? 22. May 2015

You’re FWB needs to stay on his side of the lane. Don’t listen to him and talk to whoever you want.

What do you think my problem is, every time im seeing someone they basically lead me on for 5-6months till they decide to wife someone else out of the blew. Normally things are going well and its actually out of the blue even though we’ve spoken about continuing on to a reletionship. This is the 4th time it’s happened to me and the heartache is getting a bit much lol 🙁 can you help?(ps things are always going well in these reletionships no signs off losing interest at all) and they always tell me how sorry they are afterwards and always want to still be close friends after it’s so upsetting 21. May 2015

Hey love get a copy of 100 Questions. That’ll surely help  https://simplyoloni.com/product/100-questions/

Hey Oloni. I’m just recently out of a toxic relationship where the man I loved used me for my money and lied to me and manipulated me (just found out). What I do know though, is that he genuinely is going through a rough patch financially and I did help him (he owes me £500+) with the understanding he would pay me back. However the way he has decided to break up with me (telling me he loves me and never speaking to me again – its 6 weeks now) has left me infuriated. I want my money back to but I feel horrible about asking for it because I know things are tough for him and I hate being cruel. But I’m a student aswell, yet I don’t want to be nasty. Can you please post this on the TL so I know how to go about this. 21. May 2015

I will post this later, however what you do need to do is ask for your money back. It’s not cruel, it was a loan and the purpose for a loan is to help out another party. Which you did, eventually loans are supposed to be repaid. Whilst it’s great you’re taking his financial difficulties into account, like you said you’re also a student. I’m sure you can go to a small claims court to get your money back and also dear. . .  never lend what you can’t afford to lose. My motto when it comes to money.

Hey, I was in a relationship for 6 months with my girl and then we split up she told me she was pregnant and that she was going to get rid of it but then two months later she messaged me saying that she is keeping it and she is 5 and a half months pregnant, I wasn’t sure if she was just trying to trap me but after a while I got back to her and told her that I need to think about what I need to do as I am very young and I have a lot of family problems and social problems right now, I tried calling her and she has blocked my number and blocked me off all social media websites what do I do? 21. May 2015

You try and get in touch with her family or a friend, but only if it’s to calmly discuss the position you’re both in. Yes she changed her mind and she’s allowed to. I understand you have other issues, but that’s the result of unprotected sex. There’s a high chance a responsibility is created. I hope you do get in contact with her and work everything out.

I’ve been with a guy on and off for 5 years but we end up fighting and making up every couple of months , I block him off everything so I can get over him but nothing works and he tries so hard to get in contact with me , how do I fully get rid of him and move on 21. May 2015

You need to read a copy of 100 Questions: https://simplyoloni.com/product/100-questions/

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