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Hi Oloni, I’ve got a issue where my partner has really traditional views on issues whilst I have a more liberal view to things. E.g he believes as a woman I should be responsible for the cooking and cleaning etc whereas I think we both should. Help please 23. May 2015

This is where the word ‘compromise’ has to come into play. You both, need to sit down and talk about your expectations properly or this relationship won’t work. Communicate and  come to some sort of agreement, that will befit you both.

I See My BF Every 2-3week But Just once in them weeks I wait and I’ve told him about it but it’s still the same what should I do 23. May 2015

You either tell him again and find a way to make it work or leave if it the situation doesn’t make you happy.

Encouraging girls to have as much sex as they want?? Are you sure you’re preaching in the right sector. Stick to interviewing x 23. May 2015

Welp. No, I’m encouraging WOMEN to embrace their sexuality and not to live in fear because of what others think/say. Do you know how many women I speak to each day who are afraid of enjoying their sexuality because they’re afraid of being slut-shamed? I can’t imagine you do. So before you take a tweet and try and poke all types of holes into it, I suggest you take your unwarranted advice elsewhere & let me stick to interviewing, writing blogs/books/mags, hosting events appearing at events (oh & that one time I was on TV.)


i dont know who my childs father is , i never ever thought this would be me. i always judged girls who were in this situation i feel so bad i just want to kill myself, me and my bf of 8 yrs broke up and i stupidly got drunk amd slept with somebody i met at a club unprotected. i took the morning after pill but all the dates are pointing towards this other guy? i dont grt it there was a month gap inbetween both . me and my bf are back together now and he just thinks its his. i know i need to come cleani would never keep something like that from him m. i have no way of contacting other guy as indont know him what do i do 23. May 2015

You have to come clean and let him know, the longer you wait the worse things will become. I think you should also get a DNA test so YOU know who the father of your child is. I hope, everything works out.

I’ve emailed you x 22. May 2015

I don’t respond to e-mails. All dilemmas are answered here.

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