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Hi Dami. I would like to say well done with your books and your events; you’re an inspirational young woman. I’ve been with my boyfriend for 4 years now. Our relationship has been quite rocky because of the barrier in our religions; I’m Muslim and he’s Christian. His parents and family live me regardless, but it’s my family that have a problem with it all. I really see a future with my boyfriend, marriage, family etc. but I don’t want to convert to Christianity because Islam is really deep rooted within me and is pretty much a daily aspect of me and he doesn’t want to convert EVEN THOUGH in the first two years he was so adamant that he was willing to convert? I don’t know, I’m quite lost. Please can you help? #qotd.
2. June 2015
I’ll make this a #QOTD – You need to have a serious conversation about this because if none of you are willing to convert then the relationship will just become really rocky. You also can’t force each other to change religions even it was something you both discussed once upon a time, you could end up resenting each other.
My friend keeps cheating on her boyfriend. The first time they were both in the wrong she cheated on him with her close friend and then he cheated on her with his so called best friend. However, I think she has taken the cheating too far now and it’s even got me angry. Basically, I had a house party and long story short I cought her sleeping with a guy in my own bed. I was too drunk to address it. What should I do about it?
2. June 2015
Ask her to keep her business out of your room. You can advise her to stop cheating and leave the relationship if she wants to see other men, but that’s honestly it.
I am 25 came out of a 7Year relationship 2 years ago and met a guy last year. At first things were going well then I later found out he has passed me an std(herpes). I feel so unlovable broken and destroyed but what makes it worse I believe he was aware he had it and he is sexually active with other females. I have tried so many times to move forward and find peace but he doesn’t leave me alone I feel like I’m living in hell, because he doesn’t have the respect to go away he makes contact sometimes comes to my door declaring his love but always pretends he’s unaware onto why I am so cold.
2. June 2015
My heart goes out to you completely. You are not unloveable & you are NOT destroyed. There are several ways around this and you are not the only one going through this alone. Many women & men are living with herpes and in loving relationships.
You need to let him be aware of what he has done and cut all ties with him immediately. If he does appear at your door, simply call the police so that he never returns.
If you do need to speak about this more feel free to e-mail me
Hiya Oloni, this is my second time posting this .. Not sure if you saw the first one. I was in a relationship with my boyfriend last year October, in November we got into a serious argument and I started talking to another guy. Me and this guy became really close and I guess he caught me in my vunerable stages, in the end I ended up sending him a nude. Me and my boyfriend started talking again and I told him about the nude. He was pissed off at me and it took a while to get on to good terms but we eventually did. He said he forgave me, he loved me and he didn’t want to be angry at me. Randomly in February he cut me off and said he doesnt want a relationship with me anymore ( I think he was still angry at the nude thing ) and it took a while but I’ve accepted it small. Now im missing him more than ever and I love him more than ever, should i try to talk to him or just let it go and if he’s mine and meant for me, then he’ll come back ?
2. June 2015
You were in a relationship, you had no business sending someone a nude despite how unhappy things were at the time. He’s honestly still not over it & I think he tried before he cut things off again. Reach out to him and try and voice how you feel and also ASK how he feels. I do hope you can both work it out, it’s quite common for women to lean on the shoulder of another man once things get rocky, but you must always try your hardest to remove yourself from such scenarios.
Me and my boyfriend broke up but he still tells people he loves me. Me and his parents still talk and he still tells them he loves me too but he isn’t telling me directly so i dont know where things stand. any tips ?
2. June 2015
Call him and talk, ask him directly.
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