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My boyfriend and I have been together for just over two months. We spend a lot of time with each other and have even met each other’s parents! My problem is, is that he used to speak with a LOT of girls especially from Twitter and Tinder. I made the mistake by going through his phone early on in the relationship and was horrified with what I saw. He had been messaging a lot of girls while seeing me although he said he was only talking to me. I brought this up with him and he’s since stopped talking with the girls. I’ve looked through his phone after this and have been satisfied with what I’ve seen, however recently I caught him texting a girl and deleting the messages. This specific girl is one who he was supposed to have locked off ages ago but for some reason finds her way in his DMs, texts and whatsapp. I’m wondering if it’s too early in the relationship for all of this drama. Should I end it? I don’t want to be taken for a prick but at the same time, I love him and don’t want to give up on something I feel that could have potential. Help?! 8. June 2015

Way too early for all of this drama. Two months? Run while you can, you clearly can’t help yourself and have continued to go through his things. He has also hidden, deleted and lied to you. Neither of you are ready for a relationship to be quite honest.

Is it wrong that I feel betrayed? i found out that my partner has been talking bad about me, saying that if we didn’t have a tenancy agreement then he wouldn’t be with me, but then the same night he came home and had sex with me and told me how much he loves me. 8. June 2015

There’s clearly a problem that needs to be a topic of conversation between the two of you. Let him know what you found out.

can you please answer my question, I’ve posted it twice and you still haven’t answered 8. June 2015

I as a person can not physically answer all questions. If you want your question answered desperately the best thing you can do is email me itsoloni@gmail.com for a quote on my relationship coaching services. Thank you.

Hi Oloni. I don’t know what to do. My bf of 2 and a half years have had our ups and downs however I’ve noticed him following girls who post nudity on Instagram dno if they’re pornstars or not they could very well be. It isn’t the first time and I don’t know whether I should be bothered about it? I’ve lost all trust with him and every time I try to break it off with him he just avoids it. 8. June 2015

Some couples don’t care others find it disrespectful. If it bothers you, speak up about it and let him know how you feel.

I recently ended things with the guy I was seeing for 2 years, but now I’m starting to miss the sex, I crave it all the time. We haven’t spoken since the break up and I miss him being there. I want to have sex with him again but I’m not sure how or if it’s even a good idea for us to be fwb. How long do you think people should be apart before recycling an ex? Is it even a good idea. We ended for some pretty serious reasons so we couldn’t get back together. I just want to fuck and I feel more comfortable doing that with him than someone new. What does a girl do to satisfy these cravings? 8. June 2015

A girl has to invest in some good ‘ol sex toys my love, having sex with an ex will only make things complicated. I don’t think it’s wise unless you know you can throw away your feelings and replace them with orgasms strictly.

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