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Grab a copy of The Big O: An empowering guide to loving, dating and f**king

Ladies, shall we have some Brunch? Come celebrate International Women’s Day March 8th. Eat, laugh and make some new girlfriends!

How do I get the control back in a “situationship”? I feel like I’ve lost my voice, so how do I get that back? Should I play hard to get and make myself less available? We only see each other about twice a week as it is.. 7. July 2019

Sis, why do you even want advice on a situationship? If you’re after a relationship in general communicate this. If he’s not interested, cut him off. He returns wanting the same thing then cool. If not move on.

How do I cure Vaginismus without dilators 30. June 2019

Therapy! But see a Doctor for professional advice.




Hey Oloni, I’ve recently being considering having a sugar daddy because things are really hard for me right now ( rent, bills etc) i am a full time student with a part time job which pays me next to nothing. I can barely afford to take care of myself. I have a boyfriend of 2 years who I love very much but cannot support me financially. How can I start an agreement with a sugar daddy while still in a relationship? I considered talking to my boyfriend about it but he is the jealous type and probably wouldn’t like the idea of it. Should I still go ahead and get a sugar daddy with the hope of him never finding out? Or continue to struggle? What do you suggest? 30. June 2019

Baby girl if you’re in a monogamous relationship then you’re going to have to stick to that. If your boyfriend can’t do what you really need from a man right now, break up with him and let him find someone else. When you’ve done that, we can revisit this topic.


Hi Oloni, So I’m dating this guy for about 10 months now and he left for Malaysia in february to do his internship there. So now I’m in a long distance relationship. Since he’s been there he’s met some new people and I’m happy for him but there’s this one girl whom he’s told me about once. And when he did he said that she was from another country but I found out on her instagram that she’s from the same country as us! He also said that she has a boyfriend and that her boyfriend doesn’t like her going out, whilst in Malaysia, with just boys. But here’s the thing: he just posted a picture on the gram and she commented under it saying that he should cover up. Malaysia is hot and my boyfriend has a nice body.. I just don’t think it’s appropriate. And the other thing that really just pisses me of is that when I comment under his pictures he never responds but just likes it but on her comment they had a full on conversation! Should I be worried? 30. June 2019

To the average person this would be seen as slightly petty, but SIS I get it. It’s all to fishy. At the end of the day he’s your man and you’re his girl. If you notice something speak UP and let him know what you found out.

Yes you found her page and clocked she actually lives here. Why did you lie? Or is something missing?

Why is he having full convos with women who aren’t you, when you’re the one doing LD with him?

If things don’t change, I’d honestly rethink this relationship as people in long distance-ships tend to usually work harder to maintain their relationship. He’s acting quite suspicious and her comment can be seen as inappropriate.


Hey Oloni, me and my boyfriend have been together for 5 and a half years and live together. Lately I feel like all we do is argue and that he doesn’t show any interest in my life. I have asked him about it and told him how I feel and he just says that I’m wrong and it leads to big arguments about whether we should even be together. He never wants to visit my friends or family but always wants me to come and see his which I don’t think is fair. He also has anxiety/depression and has recently come off his medication (without consulting a doctor) which I think is a bad idea and is making him irritable and not nice to be around (obviously I know it’s withdrawal). I’m not sure what to do with our relationship as we do both love each other but we both want different things later on in life – he really wants kids and I do not. I feel a bit drained and like nothing is going to change as it’s been going on for so long. What would you do in this situation? Should I stay and keep trying to work things out or give up? 30. June 2019

Hey, it sounds like you’ve been trying for a long time, but now things really do need to come to an end. You’re not happy and he clearly isn’t. There’s just a cycle and it sounds as though one of you is scared to break it and walk away from what’s left of this relationship. But why? Being with someone for a long time or because they have a mental health issue isn’t grounds for staying in a relationship together. You can still care for him and help without being romantically involved with each other. Find out why he’s stopped taking his medication, communicate your concerns!

Good luck


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