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Hi Oloni, I fell into a situationship a few months ago with this guy in my friendship group. We’ve been sleeping together and he’s pretty keen for it to go further, but I’ve realised that every time we have sex I just cringe out at the things he does and I’m just not sexually attracted to him, the sex does nothing for me. How do I tell him I don’t want to keep sleeping together without hurting his feelings/ruining the friendship?
7. July 2020
Simply have a word with him and say you think you’re better off as friends.
Hey Oloni, so my boyfriend’s (he’s 23) mum is a bit overprotective and won’t let him do shit so he always has to be secretive when we try and see each other but he’s stopped trying to meet after his mum caught him out. It’s been a month now and it’s driving me mad because I want to say something about him standing up and being a man but I feel like he’ll be defensive about it. Any advice?
7. July 2020
He’s 23? Break up with him till he’s ready to man up please.
Hi Oloni, my best friend’s girlfriend hates me. Him and I had an accidental drunken hookup 3 years ago before he’d even met her and we’ve both said that neither of us want to do that again but the past year or so our friendship has been strained because of his girlfriend. She causes arguments with him if he ever wants to see me (even when we’re with our other friends). I’ve spoken to her a couple of times asking if she’s okay with our friendship and I’ll respect it if she’s uncomfortable but she said she was fine and has now blocked me on all social media. It’s got to the point where he’s changed my name on his phone and can only talk to me when she’s at work or has to lie to her about where he is. Him and I have argued about lying to her because I don’t want to be *that* girl but I don’t want to lose my best friend. What do I do?!
18. June 2020
This is such a tough one, because no matter how genuine you are some girls *understandably* do not feel comfortable with their boyfriends being close with someone they’ve been intimate with in the past. It’s not completely your responsibility alone to make her comfortable, especially when she’d outright shown you that she will never like you. Let her and her boyfriend figure it out, but try to be respectful and give him some distance. Who knows, maybe he’s slipped up in the past with someone else, and could possibly be taking it out on the relationship you have with her man. However, all this sneaking around just to communicate with you on his end isn’t normal. She clearly wants him to pick.
Hi love, I hope you’re good! So, I’ve been dating this guy for a few months now and his birthday is approaching. I’m the type of person that goes all out for birthdays and special events for those I care about, however I’ve done this in the past for men who I now know to be less than deserving of the presents and effort. However, I really like this guy and I genuinely think he deserves something special for his birthday. We have our ups and downs but he’s been very good to me so far. I’m not sure whether I should tone the birthday celebrations down a bit and just take him out for dinner or whether I should just do what I would normally do and treat him well. It’s quite a trivial matter but I don’t want to make the same mistake of doing the most and it not being appreciated!
26. May 2020
A card and chocolates will do. You’re dating, not official.
I met my boyfriend the same day I met our mutual friend and his best friend. We have been together for 5 months now but recently he’s really been prioritising our friend over me. He’s been going to drinks with her and she calls him for almost everything, even for things that she could just text him about. She’s bisexual and predominantly likes women but I can’t help but feel jealous and a little worried she’s trying something on him. Today she got hurt at work and she called him and he carried her from work to her flat and is doing everything for her. He says she’s his best friend and I respect that and our relationship is very stable but I just can’t help but worry.
26. May 2020
He’s doing way too much. Tell him how you feel and ask him if he’d feel comfortable if the tables were turned.
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