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Hey, Don’t be silly. Of course it is. Ebi Hey, Yes and no. It depends on several factors, none of which you have provided unfortunately. So for now since you feel uncomfortable with having to pay for the products express that to him and discuss why you do. Understand that what he is doing is normal in the world of business, reaching out to influencers can significantly benefit your business. It’s more about reach and influence, if you feel you have that then pitch yourself to him. It’s also important not to overreact, a win for him is a win for you, it may not feel nice but think of the bigger picture. Ebi Hello, Depends, is he in full time work or nah? What do you define as talking to? Do you go out on dates? Does he balance out those slow replies with phone calls or no? Is this the usual/is he shit with his phone? When you’re around him is he always on his phone responding quickly? Above all else, the easiest way to fix this is to ask yourself am I comfortable with this? If not, express that to him, if he respects you he will put more effort to reassure you of his interest. But most importantly, have a discussion on where it’s heading and make a mental note on when you plan to bounce if no clear decision is made. Ebi Hey, You don’t sound as disinterested as you claim you are, simply because you don’t need to know what it means. Truth is we will never know. I personally believe someone who doesn’t respect you on a romantic level doesn’t need to be your friend. If he wasn’t ready he should have approached you as a friend first or at the very least be transparent about his intentions and his current behaviour. So girl, keep it pushing. I don’t mean harbor any ill feelings but he has missed the boat. Hi and bye, being polite, that’s all fine but you don’t need to be friends. Ebi Hello there, This happened to me some months ago. I’m over it, why? I think it’s such weirdo behaviour it’s actually laughable and it’s beyond childish. I also acknowledged I didn’t know who I was dealing with and that’s creepy so any sort of attraction went out of the window once I realised that I was actually dealing with a complete stranger/liar. Practical steps, understand that there’s absolutely no need for closure, why? You’re not mad so you will simply not understand the behaviour of a mad person no matter the excuses they do or do not give (it may come it may not). Two, I blocked him on everything after I sent like a couple messages in the week of the ghosting to see if he was alive and to express my concern, there’s no shame in doing so, but when you’ve expressed concern and someone is intent on ignoring you I personally believe that’s a huge violation that you should never excuse. So once you’ve acknowledge he didn’t respect you enough to leave with dignity then understand that you no longer need to obsess over the details of his decision. If you’ve been sexually active go and get checked. Drown yourself in your passions and commitments, when you have shit to do you honestly have limited time to feel sorry for yourself, the worst thing you could possibly do is be idle. Talk about it but don’t keep re-opening that issue, if you want to start caring less, you need to start having productive conversation. Don’t be afraid to tell your friends that you don’t want to talk about him or that you’d rather talk about someone else you’re feeling. If you meet someone else don’t let your anxieties over what happened stop you from enjoying every moment with that person. It’s not your fault, quit blaming yourself if you cannot honestly pinpoint anything you did wrong. Learn to stop claiming these guys out in these skreets, erase from memory. This was the time I felt Blac Chyna saying “Who?” when asked about Tyga, more than ever before. Lastly, chances are he’s probably moved on or doing something you’d never approve of but didn’t have the balls to say it…found out recently that that’s what happened. I suspected that was the case so I actually found it funny when I actually found out…so better off expecting the worst beforehand because if you do happen to get the closure you’ll be like “oh lol? meh.” instead of “ground take me now” Ebi
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