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Hey, Why are you this anxious to state how you feel if you’ve supposedly progressed so much? Have you really progressed or are you telling yourself that? A relationship that is constantly haunted isn’t a progressive one in my opinion, you’re simply masking it’s true state and it’s proving counter-productive as nothing has been addressed. What exactly is your plan of action? Will there be consequences? You confronted a liar once before and he lied, why does he need to know you know in order to give you the respect of telling you the truth? What peace do you have in your situation if you constantly question whether or not he is loyal? You cannot jeopardise what has already been jeopardised so have a plan of action and speak up, you’re the victim here not him. Ebi Hey, Not necessarily, it could be anything from he knows he ain’t shit (guilty conscience) to his insecurities speaking or he may just be so grateful to be your man. It could be anything. Best bet is to ask him how he feels about you and your relationship and if there’s anything he would like to say, just to ensure you’re both on the same page. This doesn’t ensure honesty but it’s all you can do right about now. Just be attentive, not anxious. Ebi Hey, Fall back. Take it for what it is. What he is doing is not good enough FOR YOU. If it was you wouldn’t be writing in. If he’s serious enough about you he will come to you and ask you to be his girlfriend officially or make his commitment to you explicitly clear. Until then, go about your life baby girl, you’re not a mug. It’s almost new year, go into 2017 putting yourself first. No one has time for silly games, if he’s ready he will let you know. Ebi Hey, Was it a silly reason or are you in denial? Unless you’re saying all your friends are haters then I highly doubt they’d all right off your man for no good reason? If that’s the case then obviously you need new friends. Make sure you’re not re-entering bs, 2017 is around the corner, how you start your year is very important, so ensure you’re going back into your relationship for the right reasons and be sure not to delude yourself into thinking it was better than it was. If you feel it’s justified just reach out asking if you could have a phone conversation, so “hey, i’ve been thinking about what happened and I’d really like to call you and…..blah blah blah” Ebi Hey, Don’t be silly. Of course it is. Ebi
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