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Ladies, shall we have some Brunch? Come celebrate International Women’s Day March 8th. Eat, laugh and make some new girlfriends!

Hello Oloni, I’ve been sleeping with a guy for a couple of years now, I thought it would end up going somewhere but it did not! I recently found out that he has a new girlfriend, who claims him all over social media (no pictures) apart from @’ing him and him being her twitter header every now and then, but still claims him nevertheless. I’ve asked him multiple times if he has a girlfriend but he denies it. Do I come to the ‘girlfriend’ as a woman and tell her that I’m having sex with her man and have been for years or do I just continue to sleep with him until she finds out herself? 6. February 2017

Just cut him off and stop speaking to him.



Hi Oloni I was reading your tweets about being a female and living alone and it got me thinking. I always thought that having my own place at my age and being female was a selling point or what attracted men to me as i sort of have it all together. However now i’m thinking that I may have and still be taken advantage of because of this. I’ve noticed that my house is always seen as an open invite by the guy i’m dating. He drops by at any late hour, he doesn’t value my items so if something breaks or runs out he leaves it, I’ve told him to take the trash out and he has never done it. He doesn’t use the kitchen at all, never cooks or washes up and expects me to stop whatever i’m doing to get a drink for him. He tells people he lives here and I caught his direct messages with another girl from my area and he was telling her he worked here?? He has never contributed financially although he mentioned it vaguely once and never brought it up again. Aside from all this, he is an ok partner, he makes me laugh and we go on dates which we split evenly regularly and I do enjoy his company and sleeping next to him at night feels safe. But, I’ve felt that the things i’ve mentioned could be cause for concern before , How do you think I should handle this relationship? 6. February 2017

Yes I remember my thread of tweets, it wasn’t a universal thing, but it does hold some truth. From what you’ve just described love, he doesn’t seem like an ‘okay’ partner, in fact, it sounds like you’re settling. You’ve just described a dog to me if I’m honest, ‘messy’, ‘nice’ to sleep next to and keeps you ‘safe’. You even caught him texting/messaging another girl. What’s up with that?

He is taking advantage out of your living  space and perhaps that needs to be limited, sort it out girl!


Hey Oloni, So this guy approached me on the street he took my number and we’ve started talking. Everything’s happened pretty quickly, I went on a date with him the next day and slept with him the following week. I’m not sure if I like him yet and I’m not 100% sure what’s going on in his? However this is still very early days and Valentine’s Day is coming up and I don’t know if it’s too early to tell if he likes me? If he doesn’t mention anything does that mean he’s not that interested or that it’s too early? 6. February 2017

It is quite early, so don’t be too bummed out if nothing happens on the day. You could try to sweep a cheeky joke about it  and see how he responds.


Hey Oloni! I love your blogs from Dallas tx! I have a big dilemma. I live with my boyfriend and after months of living together he invited his brother to stay with since he was living in the street. His brother is 31 years old, has 2 kids and doesn’t have a job nor is he looking for one. All he does is stay home and play video games while eating food he had no contribution in. His own family have disowned him except my bf. My issue is His very disrespectful. Has no manners. When they is an argument between me and him he Runs to my boyfriend and starts spreading lies like I want to sleep with him. If he was different he would have been fucked me, says I try to seduce him and my boyfriend because he hates conflict doesn’t say much or very little. This has happened on more than three occasions. What should I do? Stay or leave because his putting a strain on our relationship. please please I need a logical thinker to help me. 6. February 2017

My goodness, boyfriend needs to grow a backbone. That’s insane and incredibly uncomfortable. You need to put your foot down and demand that your bf kicks his brother out. I’m sorry, blood is blood, but blood doesn’t mean tolerate disrespect. I honestly don’t even know what to say…. let me just chill.

Okay, right. Your brother disliking conflict is not a good enough reason for him keep mute, when this craziness is happening. It’s affecting your relationship and you shouldn’t have to feel like this in your own home.

If he doesn’t move out, then you should and also break up with him. Who really want to be with a man who can’t defend his girlfriend?


Hi oloni 🙂 valentines is near, woo! However my babe hasn’t mentioned anything yet and it’s a bit worrying ? I don’t know if he has anything planned and by keeping quiet I can only assume that’s the case. I mean guys should tell you about a plan to do something at least (even if it’s a surprise) as a courtesy to allow me to look nice for him e.g nails hair etc. Should I bring it up and ask him? Or does that seem like I’m being materialistic and giving into the Valentine’s Day hype? I am worried that if nothing does happen, it means he doesn’t appreciate me. 6. February 2017

Oh babe, have a conversation with him before you think about it to deeply. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind doing something if you express an interest. Also, FYI this doesn’t make you materialistic lol. It means you enjoy a bit or romance, on romantic days.


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