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Hey Oloni! I’ve know this guy for 4 years. We’ve been on and off but now we are back together. But the problem is phone sex because we are long distance. How do I make myself feel comfortable to do whatever he wants. I’ve been finding it difficult. Please help
24. March 2017
Hi Oloni, so i met this guy online. we were talking for like 2-3 weeks before we met up. During those weeks we facetimed, spoke on the phone etc. He seemed cool so we finally decided to meet up. I then realised that he is the same height as me, or even just a tad bit shorter. everything about him is cool, but his height is bothering me. when i am wearing heels, im much taller then him. makes me not want to wear heels when im around him. I am normally used to taller guy, and always thought my partner / future husband will be taller than me. Am i being petty? Is height that important? Please Help!!
24. March 2017
It does sound a tad petty. But if it’s really bothering you, just follow through with how you feel and don’t waste any more of his time.
Hey Oloni, I’ve been casually seeing this guy for a few months now and feelings have started to develop on both sides, but he is in the army and away a lot of the time. I bought up the feelings I had for him and he said he felt exactly the same way but “wasn’t ready for a relationship” which I said was fine and that it wouldn’t be fair for either of us because it is so early and we are apart so often, but I hate the idea of him being with other girls and I don’t enjoy talking to other guys anymore and can’t imagine myself sleeping with anyone else. Do I cut and run before my feelings get too deep or do I stick it out and hope he changes his mind about me?
24. March 2017
Hey love, you must always try to protect your heart, especially when he has explained that he’s not ready for a relationship. Try to distance yourself from him, before you fall in too deep.
Hi Oloni, basically I have been seeing this guy . We were just having fun as we both didn’t want to settle. We are still seeing each other but I just found out he’s married and has two kids. His wife lives abroad. He travels down once a year. He has asked me to continue the relationship with him as we are fond of each other Nd apologised for not telling me about the wife . Part of me want to continue as she’s another country . I feel like is wrong but I have told him to give me time. What should I do?
24. March 2017
Hey love, you shouldn’t need me to tell you that messing with a married man is wrong….Even if he doesn’t respect his long distance relationship which is clearly supposed to be monogamous.
Walk away from all of this before you end up getting hurt.
Hello Oloni, I’ve been sleeping with a guy for a couple of years now, I thought it would end up going somewhere but it did not! I recently found out that he has a new girlfriend, who claims him all over social media (no pictures) apart from @’ing him and him being her twitter header every now and then, but still claims him nevertheless. I’ve asked him multiple times if he has a girlfriend but he denies it. Do I come to the ‘girlfriend’ as a woman and tell her that I’m having sex with her man and have been for years or do I just continue to sleep with him until she finds out herself?
6. February 2017
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