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Ladies, shall we have some Brunch? Come celebrate International Women’s Day March 8th. Eat, laugh and make some new girlfriends!

Hi Oloni, I met this guy a year ago at a mates party we ended up having sex as he’s a chilled guy and we was vybzing so it just felt right. The next day everything was good and we said our good byes. Couple weeks after that we hooked up again. Heres the problem. He’s a nice guy, sex is amazing but he’s soo quiet! It’s like when he contacts me he only knows how to have ‘basic’ conversations. We’ve spoke on a couple occasions since then but I feel like it’s me leading the conversation more. Since we last hooked up he’s been asking to take me out but I’ve been making 101 excuses as I’m scared to go out with him and it’ll be awkward silences. Do I give him a chance or is it only sexual chemistry that we share? Please help! X 29. March 2017

He could either be quiet or perhaps you might need to get to know him more so you can see the real him. I say go on the date and if you’re not feeling it, end your date night faster.


hi oloni, i slept with this guy i liked and we were at his house. around 30mins into it i was set up to have a threesome with him and his friend. to make life easy i just said okay to it as i didnt want to be forced. please, i dont wsnt to call out rape as i consented but i want to let him know i’m hurt. We still talk as much as we did before this… how do i tell him im hurt 29. March 2017

Hey hun, do you mind telling me why you were hurt? Do you feel a though you regretted it, or was this something that hit you later? It’d be great if you can go into detail for me.



Hi Oloni, So Basically this guy dm’d me on twitter about a month ago and we’ve been talking ever since. He’s a super sweet guy, he compliments me all the time, makes sure he always msgs me everyday and we talk on the phone every night. We finally met last week and we went on a cinema date and it went great I definitely wanted to see him again and from all the signs I was getting from him I assumed he wanted to aswell. A couple of days after he sent me a really long message explaining to me that he’s going through some stuff and that he doesn’t feel like it’s the right time for him to get into a relationship and how he thinks we should distance ourselves which really hurt me cause I thought things were going great, my friends say he’s lying and making excuses to cut me off but why would he do this when he was the one pursuing me, what do you think? Thanks in advance 29. March 2017

Heya hun, do you know what.. sometimes these things happen. But I don’t think you should dwell on it too much, he’s given an explanation, so all you can do right now is thank him for his time and move on. Pursuing someone first doesn’t mean things will develop into something even more serious. Hopefully this doesn’t discourage you dear. Find someone else to get to know, you’ll forget about him soon.


Hi oloni, i slept with a married man a couple of times! Ever since we met the sparks just flew… he says he wants a child with me obviously I’m not taking this seriously but there’s something that keeps drawing me back to him despite knowing he’s out of bounds. I know that it is what it is but I guess my question is should I feel bad because he has a wife and child 🤔 29. March 2017

Do you need me to tell you this, seriously?


How to deal with break-ups without closure? Broke up with my man cause I found him messaging his ex, we had this discussion before and he ‘realized’ it was wrong. Fast forward 5 months later he’s added her on snapchat & me being filled with pride I told him he can do whatever and whoever he wants but I’m not sitting around like a fool. He’s been silent since, I can’t lie I had a moment of weakness where I messaged him stating I expected a reply at least him to try but he ignored that and it’s been nearly a week. Idk what to do 29. March 2017

I think the silence has indicated where his mind is really at. The fact you have expressed how uncomfortable him communicating with his ex made you, should have been enough for your exbf to stop his foolishness. He still has some feelings for her or wanted her around as a back up. The best way to move on is by reflecting on the relationship on your own, keeping yourself busy and spending time with people who truly care about you.  I would also suggest the no contact rule.


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